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Search results

  1. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. I started somewhat liking pasta about the same time I made a half-arsed attempt to learn Italian. o: Though lasagna is still foul.
  2. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. Yes, aren't frozen pizzas just perfect? It's like being in Rome.
  3. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. Whoever thought of putting pineapple on pizzas needs to be shot. Pineapple is fucking lovely, pizza is okay but put them together and... no.
  4. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. I do that except I remove the cake from the jaffa by hand then eat them in the specified order. Am I going to jail with the "full moon, half moon, total eclipse!" lady? The Fish and Chips flavour crisps just tasted like vinegar :l And the Chilli and...
  5. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. I have the most extraordinary feeling I've eaten a fried Mars bar despite never having been to Scotland. :/
  6. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. Your family must be slain. I just realised I think I've always eaten Jaffa Cakes in fours completely unintentionally. I find receiving too many mini Jaffa Cakes far too exciting.
  7. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. Unless I'm not in the country I think I am, yes we do. We just have to get fat by other means.
  8. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. We have all kinds of fucking crazy crisp flavours in the UK. Kangaroo, squirrel, Worcestershire sauce... though two of those were only around for a little while. Sadly, Worcestershire sauce is not one of those two x( Cheetos = Wotsits, as far as I'm...
  9. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. They come in a big long cylindrical seethrough orange wrapper in a box. Some boxes have several sets of these wrapperfuls of Jaffa Cakes. I'll fetch you a drool bucket. OH and they come in mini size in little plastic tubs which have six tiny Jaffas...
  10. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. And? Bathing sucks! This is something we all stop realising when we grow up. But not pirates. NINJAS HAVE NO YOUTHFUL HIGH SPIRITS. Plus scurvy is great really, damn connective tissue And to anyone in this thread who is seriously deprived, Jaffa...
  11. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. You forgot the bit where actually pirates are way better than ninjas but ninjas are still really awesome.
  12. Not Meowth

    Controversial Topics

    Re: TCoDf has highly homogenous ... ideas. Was this in that crappy sprite comic thing I did where 90% of the tags were stuff like "Lucario sex doll" and everyone kept trying to add more stupid ones and everyone else was like "no"? If not then it's happened twice and is especially controversial...
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