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Search results

  1. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Psyduck (F) and Golduck (F).
  2. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Mawile Cave: psyduck (M) Lake: tentacool (M)
  3. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    BrocK (excursion, 6th go; 30% chance of slipping) You leave the Buizel and go on to look for more Pokémon. But suddenly without warning, the path gets too slippery! You struggle to stay upright but soon fall over and slide back to the entrance with all your Pokémon in tow. Thanks for playing...
  4. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Brock (excursion, 5th go; 20% chance of slipping) corphish Female. (Balls: 1)
  5. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Brock (excursion, 4th go; 10% chance of slipping) buizel She's female. (Balls: 1)
  6. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Captain Sea Turtle swinub You caught a female Swinub. Brock (excursion, 3rd go) Geodude It's female. (Balls: 1)
  7. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Patar (excursion, 2nd go) buizel Male Buizel. (Balls: 2) Melodic Harmony (excursion, 5th go) You spot a female Smoochum and walk up to catch it, but you step on a particularly slippery patch of ice! Losing your footing, you slide back to the entrance where your remaining Pokéballs are...
  8. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Patar (Excursion, 1st go) Mawile You spot a female Mawile. (Balls: 3) Melodic Harmony (Excursion, 4th go) Smoochum Obviously female Smoochum. (Balls: 2; chances of slipping next turn: 20%) Brock (Excursion, 1st go) psyduck Another Psyduck (F). I advise you to take it away so someone can...
  9. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Melodic Harmony (Excursion, 3rd go) machoke Next, you find a female Machoke. The ice up ahead looks incredibly slippery. Keep or release? (Balls left: 2) apparently the encounter rates are still a little too high blargh.
  10. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Melodic Harmony (exursion, 2nd go) psyduck The next Pokémon you come across is a male Psyduck. All the common Pokémon in the cave except Whismur and Psyduck seem to have moved out. (Balls left: 2)
  11. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Melodic Harmony (excursion, 1st go) froslass You're off to a great start; you found a Froslass! (Balls left: 3) Squornshellous Beta Whismur and Psyduck Both girls. What is it with this place and Whismurs? Patar Weavile and Lileep Both are male.
  12. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Oh hey I'm back Fish and Ships psyduck You caught a male Psyduck. Psymon (excursion ticket; 4th go) whismur Another Whismur (female). Seriously what. (Pokéballs: 2) Jason-Kun (excursion ticket; 4th go) machop You see a male Machop. (Pokéballs: 3) RandomTyphoon (excursion ticket; 1st go)...
  13. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Lord Shyguy Glalie You caught a female Glalie! Jason-kun (Excursion Ticket; 3rd go) Whismur You pass up the Onix, and keep walking until you come to a male Whismur. (Pokéballs: 3) PsychicMewtwo Whismur You caught a male Whismur! Apparently the RNG gods are misogynistic Whismur maniacs.
  14. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Icebreath (Excursion Ticket; 3rd go) Onix Clutching your last Pokéball, you spot a female Onix ahead of you. (Pokéballs: 1)
  15. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Psymon (excursion ticket; 3rd go) Whismur Next up, a male Whismur. (Pokéballs: 2) Walker (excursion ticket; 6th go) Psyduck Making the reckless decision to continue, you tread carefully across the increasingly slippery floor until you see a male Psyduck, who loses his footing and slides right...
  16. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Jason-kun (Excursion Ticket; 2nd go) Onix Next you meet a male Onix. Fancy this one? (Pokéballs: 3)
  17. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Jason-kun (Excursion ticket; 1st go) buizel The first Pokémon you find is a female Buizel. Catch it or move on? (Pokéballs: 3) Flarginsnarf Snorunt You caught a male Snorunt! He's got a Babiri Berry, too. Walker (Excursion Ticket; 5th go) Krabby You spot a male Krabby. The cave floor looks...
  18. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Kai ZubatLileepBuizelLaprasPoliwagClamperl You caught a male Zubat, a male Lileep, a male Buizel, a male Lapras, a male Poliwag, and a male Clamperl. The RNG gods are very sexist :<
  19. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Oh, whoops. Male.
  20. Not Meowth

    The Ice Caves

    Walker Jynx Passing the Buizel, you encounter a rare Jynx! She's holding an Aspear Berry. Catch her or move on? (Pokéballs left: 2) Icebreath Dunsparce In your hurry to escape the angry Machop, you trip over a Dunsparce! Catch it? (Pokéballs left: 1)
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