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Search results

  1. Old Catch

    The LGBT Club

    How did you know I was looking for a new sig, Danni? :D EDIT: Too big to use here but I'll use it on subeta. :/ Also my Mom didn't care much either and my godmoms are gay so I was very ;;
  2. Old Catch

    The LGBT Club

    Aww, that's nice Danni. :D It must've been quite a relief.
  3. Old Catch

    The LGBT Club

    The guys I work with like lesbian porn but tormented this girl for liking male gay porn. o.o; So pointless, when it's the same thing. Once this lesbian couple came in and they were both gorgeous. The manager comes over to us and says, "See that? Mm-mm-mm! What a waste." So yeah. Just stupid.
  4. Old Catch

    The LGBT Club

    D: That sucks. Unfortunately for most teenagers, thinking someone is attractive automatically means you want their babies. At least you're more mature than that, right? Ehh, sorry.
  5. Old Catch

    The LGBT Club

    :O! A sign. Hey, what do you call someone that has no sexual attractions? I've been wondering for a while. I don't think 'asexual' gives off the right feeling...
  6. Old Catch

    The LGBT Club

    The I'm joining as pansexual, I think. I wonder who decided it needed its own special term. Thanks. ^^
  7. Old Catch

    The LGBT Club

    Joining as bi- or pansexual. Anyone know the exact difference between them?
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