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Search results

  1. Phantom

    Sherlock Club

    I watched S2E1
  2. Phantom

    Sherlock Club

    ARGH, 2.1 is out? Dammit, netflix doesn't have it... which means I need to er - borrow it.
  3. Phantom

    Sherlock Club

    Double posting for epic reasons, I SAW EPISODE THREE.
  4. Phantom

    Sherlock Club

    Bumping I recently got into Sherlock, though I've only seen the first two episodes. I liked it, well written, good story... and the way Sherlock get's so excited for a case was amazing. During the first episode I was laughing so hard when he jumped and sort of spinned around when he noticed...
  5. Phantom

    Sherlock Club

    I've been hearing so much about this show and I'd really like to see it. Does it come on BBC America? If so anyone have an idea when? I don't have a computer where I can watch stuff. If not grrr stupid BBC peoples.....
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