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Search results

  1. Phantom

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Caribou all the way.
  2. Phantom

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    I didn't take it as one. As I've learned earlier (as in somewhere else), sarcasm and written word don't always go together. Plus I have aspergers so I might be having a moment here, but that didn't seem like sarcasm. It looked serious to me. You do realize there are forums other than this one?
  3. Phantom

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Wow, really? I first said in the post I was responding to the negative comments... Was that not clear? Also I did read thank you very much and I was listening. I was just stating a fact that there are people who would treat me badly because I am American, so why bother? A few members from a...
  4. Phantom

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Wow, after reading this, and a lot of some of the things people posted here are so negative. I don't even want to quote them all. I just really hoped people were better than to generalize the ENTIRE country like that. It makes me really sad, not to be an American, but to be human in that...
  5. Phantom

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Still, none of this is reason to treat someone poorly because of it. When will the world be able to function and base people as an individual rather then assume things about them because of where they're from.
  6. Phantom

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    Yankee as a derogative... I suggest you check 5.2 and 5.3.
  7. Phantom

    Why do people dislike Americans?

    I go on the internet. Thing is, away from the poor spelling, porn, and pictures of cats, I see one thing about people from other countries that they all have in common. Their general hate towards America and that they treat Americans like trash. Now I know the U.S. isn't perfect, in fact far...
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