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Search results

  1. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    Those are adorable. BY THE WAY I feel obligated to post something stupid. Just in case you aren't indelibly scarred by Mycroft Poppins already, this video will fix it. (Okay, there's no actual Poppins in this one, but still.) And hey, it's Chrimbustime.
  2. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    Bahaha, that's... actually kind of interesting. I agree that Sherlock might be headed toward Slytherin, but something tells me he would rather be dead than be caught in the same house as Mycroft and would push for Ravenclaw if Mycroft were a Slytherin. I agree with the rest of what you've...
  3. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    Those are good! I like the Moriarty-cat one. :3 And the Mycroft Poppins is hilarious, especially if you actually go read the LJ community the artist links to. TAKE YOUR MEDICINE, DAMMIT, OR I'LL SING THE SONG
  4. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    The Pooh and Piglet one may just be the single most adorable thing I've ever seen. I also like Mr. and Mrs. Holmes--not even so much for how hilariously wrong John looks but for how natural Sherlock looks.
  5. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    See, and I actually did suspect him of being involved in some way when he first showed up (my brain is constantly on auto-Chekhov's gun when it comes to mysteries), but then I got distracted and completely forgot about him until my mom said , and then I got mad at myself for not remembering. :p...
  6. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    It hasn't aired here yet; starts in ~three hours. I did see The Blind Banker, though. It wasn't too bad, I thought. What exactly is that you just posted, out of curiosity? Obviously it's a list of John's strengths and weaknesses, but did you just find that somewhere, or...? And are there some...
  7. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    But I keep telling her that it's supposed to be story-accurate, and she just gets hung up on "...but Sherlock texts people?" Though she did mention that what she liked about Jeremy Brett (from older Sherlock TV shows and apparently the Sean Connery of Sherlock Holmeses) was the way he portrayed...
  8. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    I watched it when it aired last night, since I did in fact manage to finish that homework. It was good! I don't know that I've yet reached the point where I'm babbling hopelessly over it like the rest of you, but the rest of the series will probably rectify that! (The best part is, now all...
  9. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    Depends on the channel that airs it. This is PBS, which is public broadcasting and doesn't air actual commercials, so if it's interrupted by anything it won't be much at all. Wikipedia says that PBS's airings of MI-5 (whatever that is) are uninterrupted, but other commercial networks attempted...
  10. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    Oh, good, because the RDJ movie was about all I knew, too (though I did know enough to figure that it wasn't going to be very accurate). I think I've read Hound of the Baskervilles and possibly whatever that one about the "carbuncle" was, but both of those were forever ago and at least one was...
  11. Phoenixsong

    Sherlock Club

    So I think I've had about enough of everyone having kittens over this "Sherlock" nonsense and having no idea what's going on, and I guess I'll be attempting to watch this Sunday assuming I can do that and wade through gross production team homework at the same time. This is still going to be...
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