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Search results

  1. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    I can sort of understand waiting for at least a day to tell people you've found mafia, though waiting for too long carries its own risks aside from coming off as distrustful. What I'm not buying here is "forgetting" that HighMoon was innocent when it really shouldn't have been that hard to...
  2. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    I do so detest people just popping up to say "lynch/don't trust so and so" and then leaving it at that. It carries no weight or credibility whatsoever. No one will believe you if you don't provide a reason; I can't defend myself, if necessary, if you don't provide a reason. Even if it's just a...
  3. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Well then, Zackrai, since the decision will ultimately fall to you, do you think it's worth the risk to kill HighMoon or Grass King tonight instead of ole_schooler? I'll also unlynch Grass King while I'm here; moony, please leave your vote on him unless we come up with some reason not to lynch...
  4. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Yeah, you did ninja me, sorry. Had the reply window open, walked away to eat and then posted without checking again. :P Hm! Well, I have no particular reason to mistrust you or believe you aren't dead, so I guess I'll take your word for it and not lynch Zackrai unless someone has some...
  5. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    On the this subject: I can understand the living fishing brother not wanting to out themselves (although I think all kills would happen at the same time, so even if the mafia went after them the kill wouldn't be wasted? eh, no one wants to die, can't blame 'em), but maybe Mai can tell us a...
  6. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    We've had two unclaimed dead civilians, haven't we? (yes, I think we do; I could've sworn I remembered someone else admitting to be dead, but I don't remember who it was and I can't find the post again? uuuuhgghgh whatever) I don't think anyone has any way of proving anything, really. :/ I will...
  7. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Ah, you're right. The way the role is usually played around here the revenge kill happens on the same night (and is only on the following night if the other brother dies via lynching), but Negrek is playing it differently. Well, there you go, I guess.
  8. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    I guess either the living brother targeted someone who was protected by a doctor, or they targeted one of the civilians who is dead but hasn't admitted to it.
  9. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D6] I understand that we'd like the assistance of as many townies as possible, but the problem is that they are not assisting. Every game I play I call out inactive players, and every game I play I haven't shied away from lynching them (unless there was a more immediately...
  10. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D6] How is that random if you've had some sort of agenda against me this whole game and Light has already said he's not paying attention? Offer some sort of argument if you want to lynch me, because right now you're the only one who does; otherwise we either take Light up...
  11. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D6] Eh, no, probably not a good idea at this point. It's possible that the dead civilians who haven't reported back are inactive, but if they're already both dead and inactive then exorcising them isn't doing any particular good. And I guess, as Eifie mentioned, it's...
  12. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D6] I also agree that the lack of death tonight is due to a lucky doc save (somehow I doubt that there's more than one alien, though eh, I guess it's hard to put anything past Negrek). I'm still not fond of inactive players, but I don't think they're necessarily any more...
  13. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D5] Oookay, so. It's getting late (or is already late, whatever) and there aren't any votes that are likely to count, so we have to do something if we don't want to use up our last abstain. Here's the deal: we can either go with Phantom and vote for Light Yagami, take...
  14. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D5] Active players are just as likely to be mafia as inactive players based on start-of-game role randomization (and no, I don't think Negrek would rig the roles to favor active players—if only the active players were mafia then this game would be obscenely unbalanced in...
  15. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D5] I haven't been keeping up with Mafia recently, so I don't really know whose playstyle tends more toward lurking versus activity; I suppose I'll have to take your word on that, although usually being lurkyloos in other games doesn't mean that their inactivity is in any...
  16. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D4] Probably shouldn't be posting right now (busyyyyy) but I can't even guarantee I'll be awake at one so oh, well, input. As I said before I'll claim if I absolutely must, but I'd prefer not to paint targets on myself or others unnecessarily so hopefully it won't come to...
  17. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D4] Negrek said she'd tell a player if something happened to them, so you are not our dead civilian. Unless Negrek forgot or something, anyway.
  18. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D4] They might have thought he was lying, I suppose, although we haven't had any mafia deaths aside from Butterfree being lynched. If RK was mafia he couldn't possibly be dead, so that'd still be a very strange move. Puzzling as it is, though, I doubt we'll be hearing from...
  19. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D4] It would make sense, imo (as with Eifie, I would've cast it as a mafia role from the start, not an innocent one, as the benefit to the town ultimately seems small), but I'm pretty sure there can't be one after a look at the role list. You still haven't said why you're...
  20. Phoenixsong

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D4] I'm a little confused here. What exactly is this list of: remaining roles or the roles we started with? You hadn't included exorcists at all in your original even though RK had claimed (because I think that was remaining roles...?), and you seem to have left them out...
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