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  1. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Right, so my jynx doesn't get exp because she hasn't been in any completed rounds. Which is :/, but yeah.
  2. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Unless otherwise specified in the battle's rules, final gambit falls under the same rules as the selfdestruct clause—the user loses.
  3. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    In the future is there going to be a way to remove those when they're supposed to be removed, rather than having to remember to ask you to do it (and risk people "forgetting")?
  4. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    No, Serebii is mistaken; I was double-checking pokédexes so I could tell someone else about it, and at first I was confused because the vulpix line (for example) was listed as learning role play. Then I checked magic coat and they were listed under that, too, so they have managed to screw that...
  5. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Hey, at least your life choices helped me catch an error that would've slipped through the cracks for something else I was working on! Just fyi, though, Marriland and Legendary Pokémon also appear to have gotten magic coat and role play right. Serebii, on the other hand, is listing a bunch of...
  6. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Yes to the first, no to the second. All held items that affect evolution, experience, etc. trigger their effect at the time the pokémon is first sent into battle. Swapping it around after the fact does nothing.
  7. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Little thing, but in the section about prizes you say that the loser in the 2v2 double battle situation would get $4 when they should get $6 (2*$3). Also, isn't it time you removed that clause about being banned from challenges from the rules? I still see some refs getting tripped up by that.
  8. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    I think that applies less to "dying" and more to being a natural ghost-type, albeit one that is unfettered by chains, rocks, jewels, etc. and so can phase completely. That comment, iirc, only has to do with things like people typechanging their clefairy into a ghost or what have you.
  9. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Does telling a pokémon to "do nothing" on an action as part of a conditional count toward the 3-conditional limit?
  10. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Pokémon can only be used in the same state they were in when battle began. If the evolution, item acquisition or (signature) move/modification was not valid at the time the ref made the first post, it cannot be used in battle. When to allow people to reorder is up to the ref, but most would...
  11. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    What happens when a pokémon fails a confusion check (and whether to make those checks at all while chilling) is generally the ref's call. If you want there to be a chance for some sort of confusefail even while chilling, or at least a reduction in the amount of energy regained, you can; if not...
  12. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    It's never been a rule in any ASB as far as I'm aware, actually—if it ever was for TCoD it was gone before I joined, and that was back in 2006 two board changes ago—and frankly I'm surprised you found enough from one time period to assume that that was ever the case. That's never been a terribly...
  13. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    ASB has to strike a balance between "realism" and still being pokémon, and just about every canon says that it can affect every gendered pokémon (and those that don't have probably just not dealt with attract much at all). Limiting it goes against the spirit of the move and also adds an...
  14. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Attract is overrated, easier to counter than people give it credit for, and if you find that it's consistently completely shutting you down in battle then your ref is making it too powerful (or you are consistently shit out of luck and exaggerating the problem, but considering what I've been...
  15. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Does it matter what real lamps do? Lampent and chandelure are very clearly shown to levitate in their in-game sprites, as well as in the animé as far as I'm aware (lampent anyway, since iirc chandelure hasn't appeared yet). Litwick is not. It's really not that complicated.
  16. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    You forgot yanmega again.
  17. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Quick note for when you update the flying/hovering lists, etc. to include Gen V pokémon: you seem to have forgotten to list yanmega anywhere. I assume it's inherently flying like yanma?
  18. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    With the caveat that Negrek may make some small changes to the way the rarity system works when the revamp happens, so a few things may become slightly more/less expensive if said revamp happens before the BW release. Shouldn't really affect the obviously very rare/very cheap stuff, but things...
  19. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Out of curiosity: does "for sure you won't be able to change your pokémon's abilities" mean that an ability-changing business like surskitty's old one would no longer be approved?
  20. Phoenixsong

    ASB Rules

    Varies by ref. Wait for SS to answer Walker's question in your battle.
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