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Search results

  1. Phoenixsong

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    ...I know it's impolite to judge people based on their weight and honestly who cares if you play sports, but it isn't a good thing to be unfit and refuse to exercise. It's not healthy. Similarly, no one is really expected to go teach college calculus, but... denying yourself the mental exercise...
  2. Phoenixsong

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    Oh yeaaah! I've heard that before. Never from my teacher, thank god. Probably on TV or something.
  3. Phoenixsong

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    No, we didn't do a lot at all; just a few weeks of beginning calculus in senior year. But then again, hippie school doesn't exactly offer a huge variety of classes. What they do teach they teach extremely well, and they give pretty good introductions, at the very least, to what they can't cover...
  4. Phoenixsong

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    Not if you go to hippie school. And for the record, while I can't remember anything about differentials either, I seem to recall screwing those up less often than quadratic equation problems; I always preferred graphing almost any other way if it was at all possible. Although, given that we...
  5. Phoenixsong

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    Yeah, that... sucks. My teacher never did anything like that; she taught us how to arrive at the formula, not to MEMORIZE IT IN SONG FORM like most of you seem to have had to do. :/ Not that I remember anything but the formula now, again because I'm horribly out of practice, but at least I don't...
  6. Phoenixsong

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    It isn't so much that I can't do math at all. I had some of the highest grades in my class in high school and apparently I can force myself to remember some stuff (yes, ##$^U$@#^ quadratic formula--BUT I REMEMBERED IT EVENTUALLY and without a stupid rhyme) when I absolutely have to, but not...
  7. Phoenixsong

    Why do people think it ok to not know math?

    You don't just learn advanced math because your teachers are hoping (probably in vain) that you will go on to become a programmer or a math teacher or whatever. You learn it because it teaches you about logic, problem solving... that sort of thing. Fuck no I'm not going to teach college calc...
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