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Search results

  1. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Judging by my inactivity and the inactivity of this RPG, I'm guessing this RPG is dead, perhaps? Let us ponder on that for a while.
  2. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: [BARELY ALIVE] The Battle against Torn World "What?" Cresselia said. "Do you still believe in the Colbur Berry?" Regigigas nodded in agreement. "The Colbur Berry went out of style while back. It was created by humans to detect ghosts around themselves. The berry isn't vibrating because we...
  3. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: [BARELY ALIVE] The Battle against Torn World [AT THE TORN WORLD] "Master," a voice said. "You called for me?" "Why yes," Giratina said. "Darkrai, I was meaning to ask you: how is brain-washing Diagla going?" "It is harder than we thought," Darkrai said. "Dialga is using OccluBlock and his...
  4. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: [DYING] The Battle against Torn World Cresselia began to zoom around again. Regigigas was eying it suspiciously. "How do we know you're not a fake? And a spy for Giratina?" Regigigas asked. Cresselia laughed. "What do you mean, a fake? I'm the only one who knows you sleep with a nightlight...
  5. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: [DYING] The Battle against Torn World ((I ditched the 629, not the 625. and anyway, Pikachu wasn't taken. New Avatar! Anyone like it?)) "Yes that hoke was corny, Constriction," Regigigas said. He began to look around. Then a flash of light zoomed around. "Cresselia?" "Yup, it's me!"...
  6. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: [DYING] The Battle against Torn World Regigigas and the team stepped out of the forest. The sun's light shined on their faces. The hill was peaceful. Starlys and Tailows were flying around. Bug Pokemon were climbing trees.
  7. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: [DYING] The Battle against Torn World Regigigas took an acorn from a tree. He began to carve it into a sphere. Then he used Psychic. The ball came to life. He threw the sphere at Dialga and Dialga went into the sphere. Regigigas picked it up and said "Let's go!"
  8. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: [DYING] The Battle against Torn World "Let's go back to the camp," Regigigas said. He began to walk toward the camp. When he arrive. he saw Dialga shaking in his sleep. A dark shadow surrounded him.
  9. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: [DYING] The Battle against Torn World Regigigas turned away. "There's someone else missing." he muttered. He lowered his head. "Palkia."
  10. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World (What are you confused about, Lucas?))
  11. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World ((Sorry but I'm confused. Crowned Clown made them appear out of nowhere. Everyone pretend that Gengar never appeared since I never wanted it to happen. Back to the Slab.)) "What happened to the humans!?" Umbreon asked. "Eventually, a human was able to enter...
  12. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World Gengar looked straight at Regigigas. He then used Shadow Sneak. Gengar disappeared and attacked Regigigas.
  13. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World An Umbreon appeared at the campsite. Regigigas looked at it. It said, "Follow me." Regigigas got up and followed the Umbreon until they reached a stone slab with a drawing: it showed two things standing on two legs with Pokemon battling each other. "What are...
  14. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World ((Uh, Lucas755, everyone's waiting for you to start the exploration, as it was your idea.)) Regigigas looked around the campsite. It was too quiet.
  15. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World ((Now because I have given you permission to explore the forest DOES NOT mean that you can have a side-plot sort of thing. Ex: Darkrai and the Dark Pokemon or Cresselia is found.))
  16. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World ((667!)) "I dont know, let me ask Dialga," Regigigas said. Regigigas turned toward the two leaders. Dialga had fallen asleep and Palkia was nowhere to be found. Thats strange, Palkia gone all of a sudden? he thought. "Well, I guess it's okay," Regigigas said...
  17. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World Lucas755 is accepted.
  18. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World "Why don't we just camp here?" Palkia said. "There's nothing there and Regigigas and Heatran will keep lookout!" Dialga thought about it. "Good idea!" Dialga roared. "Everybody, make yourself at home! We're camping here!"
  19. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World "Okay let's get out of here before it turns dark," Regigigas said. Dialga nodded and began to move forward with Palkia behind him.
  20. Pikachu

    [DEAD] The Battle against Torn World

    Re: The Battle against Torn World "I don't think she even knows who Giratina is!" Regigigas said.
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