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  1. Pwnemon


    Dictatorship =/= communism, Dragonclaw.
  2. Pwnemon


    What Pentimento said. Apparently, there's a line from Men In Black (My dad said this, I've never watched it,) where a guy goes, "A person may not be stupid, but people are stupid."
  3. Pwnemon


    Yes, I saw Bidoof. EDIT: And I read all the others in that Turbo thread.
  4. Pwnemon


  5. Pwnemon


    You think Turbo could be nearly that cohesive?
  6. Pwnemon


    Maybe it's me, but I hadn't heard of Chinese Whispers until yesterday.
  7. Pwnemon


    Actually pretty sure Orwell was really confused about his economical orientation when he wrote that book, but either way it perfectly portrays communism. 1984... bejeezus. Big brother is watching you. *shivers*
  8. Pwnemon


    No, they wouldn't know. Jonas /felt/ he had freedom, at least until he became Receiver. But he always felt that if he didn't have the freedom for a certain thing that the elders would make a better choice anyway, and it made him feel relieved. And he didn't know what "the pill" was either, so I...
  9. Pwnemon


    Ironically, though made two months ago, it only had 28 posts until Wednesday.
  10. Pwnemon


    Yeah, sorry if I didn't make that sentence clear enough. What I meant is that anybody who tries to hog it all for themselves will eventually amass power with no government to stop them. The only way to stop them would be a government, not necessarily of corrupt people, most likely of perfectly...
  11. Pwnemon


    Socialist, not communist. All communist countries in practice have just been extreme forms of socialism. Human nature prevents something as utopian as communism from actually happening. There will always be lust, and self-centeredness, and greed. And left unchecked, they will obviously lead to...
  12. Pwnemon


    I'm not going to rip you apart for this. I agree. Anybody who DOESN'T think that communism is the single best system ever in theory needs their head checked. The problem is, it's impossible for it to work.
  13. Pwnemon


    It's funny that you're STILL ignoring what I said. I mean seriously, I'm getting a kick out of it.
  14. Pwnemon


    So you're still going to misconstrue me? I'll post it loud and clear here to make sure there's no more "accidental" confusion. I WANT TO KNOW THE ECONOMIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMMUNISM AND SOCIALISM. I DO NOT GIVE A FLYING CRAP ABOUT ANYTHING EXCEPT THE ECONOMIC DIFFERENCE BECAUSE I REALIZE...
  15. Pwnemon


    If you say, "Communism works, it's just that every country which has tried it as of yet has gotten a slew of corrupt leaders," then one could easily make the argument that communism is corruptible.
  16. Pwnemon


    Yeah I really see not much difference there. Furthermore, I'm not alone:
  17. Pwnemon


    I know this. But I'm not saying that Socialism and Communism are the same in any regard, except the economy. So my question was, "What is the economic difference between socialism and communism?" and a straight answer would be appreciated.
  18. Pwnemon


    One thing on the HDI actually has anything to do with economy. Kthx.
  19. Pwnemon


  20. Pwnemon


    Greece... Is dying in a pit? Portugal... has a higher debt than GNP? (iirc) They both are a government-owned command economy with chronic debt problems. I still see no real difference (Economically. That's what both theories are about.)
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