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Search results

  1. Pwnemon

    Do animals have souls?

    Firstly, Saith, animals may be purer than women, but would you rather play with plastic and wires or a DS? Purity =/= value. Also, God didn't get tired on the sixth day, he's a God. He just rested to give humans a precedent. Secondly, Alraunne, I checked that video just now. At least the first...
  2. Pwnemon

    Do animals have souls?

    Saith, God never made animals in his image. He made them on the fifth day, man on the sixth. They are in a totally separate class. It would be like saying bread is worse than wheat sheaves, since one takes two steps and one takes one.
  3. Pwnemon

    Do animals have souls?

    Alruanne, while I am no practiced theologist, all I could assume is that you would be happy in heaven without being forced to be. I mean, if you spend your time with an all-powerful God, he could do anything to make you happy, including animals. Having a soul would have no link on whether you...
  4. Pwnemon

    Do animals have souls?

    I shall take the theist argument *shot* and say that animals don't have souls. Why? Because God created man in his image, but not animals. In that way, only man would have a soul. Animals would not.
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