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Search results

  1. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Aige listened quietly, not sure what to say. When Zapdos spoke of the weak and their expectations, she looked at the ground for a moment, muttering something. "There's not really a concept to worry about if he just puts his words into action," Aige said, replying to Steven. "It just is- right...
  2. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    The longer the battle went, the more Aige felt that *everyone* was just wasting their time. What would beating Zapdos on his own terms prove? Listening to her teammates, Aige called out to Leaf in between flurries of attacks and dodges. "If you want to fight, then just fight him and be done...
  3. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    Aige seemed to barely turn to acknowledge Steven. "Right. Understood." She moved herself into position, ready to intercept as much as her tiny frame could manage. Something about it was almost funny, but she didn't bother thinking about it.
  4. RJr3:2

    Sojaveña Wilds Clan Battlegrounds

    "Real strength?" "Real strength?" Aige muttered to herself, not really looking at the Zapdos so much as she was staring through him. "Real strength isn't proven- it just is," she said to no one in particular. As the others prepared for battle, the Roggenrola shuffled off to the side, seeming...
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