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Search results

  1. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

  2. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

  3. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    trolls no have gender
  4. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

  5. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    holy zombie jegus in a can, bro
  6. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    oh my holy fuck
  7. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Guys, remember how it comes out on 10/25? 612 and 413 are Arc Numbers of homestuck Add 612 and 413 together
  8. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

  9. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    5+ percent
  10. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

  11. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Also fun fact for those 4:13 fanatics: The last song is 3:14 long
  12. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

  13. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Sure, I didn't start. Tell me when you begin and I'll start too :o)
  14. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    It's been a week since the last update and I'm waiting for the part everyone
  15. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    I come back from AFK to see that flash animation along with other things Pants crapped
  16. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Oh god The new mouseover text Is it possible Is it serious
  17. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    "" Hussie is now god.
  18. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Why is so badass and cute?
  19. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    Does anyone realize the ancestors shown were karkat's friends? Kanaya, Sollux, Nepeta and... who's that third one?
  20. RK-9

    The Felt--Homestuck Fan Club

    oh my god that texture pack is amazing
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