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Search results

  1. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    This was a fun game! I enjoyed it heaps :) I was kinda sad that I wasn't targeted until very late into the game, I was hoping that I would pick up a decent role early on. But I guess that's what happens when you're not very well-known in Mafia, no one wants to protect/inspect you XD
  2. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 5) Oh no there goes one of our Healers :( Yesterday Leafstorm said that she inspected Blaziking and turned up Mafia. It turns out that my suspicious were correct, then! Lynch Blaziking the Adept.
  3. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (NIGHT 4) Blaziking, it's pretty clear that you're lying! Jack just said that the Hider avoids everything that targets it, so there's no way Emerald Espeon died of a healer clash. Plus the flavour text suggests that it they were 'covered in repeat, sharp cuts', which...
  4. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (NIGHT 4) If Emerald Espeon chose to hide behind Superbird like they said that they would, it looks like we have another mafia revealed! Unless anyone else have other information (such as an inspector inspecting Superbird and coming up innocent, or Superbird gives...
  5. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 3) I'm guessing that we're all revealing our roles again? Well I'm Phanpy, with Pick Up. So my role is the Thief. I haven't been targeted by anyone yet, so I haven't picked up another role. So in other words, I'm pretty useless at the moment 8) I'll put in a...
  6. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 2) No deaths is always a good sign, but it's doesn't really help our daytime discussions :/ I was going to say that Skiploom could've been the Mafia Roleblocker (with Leaf Guard), but that role's been axed. None of the other roles really match up with it's...
  7. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 2) I'm not sure if my vote will count because it's been over two hours, but I might as well put it in. Lynch Flower Doll. I'll withdraw if she talks, but I kind of doubt that she's going to reply anytime soon.
  8. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 2) Ho-oh has a 'healing' ability? O__o /checks. Oh right, it has Regeneration as a Dream World ability. Makes sense then. So if your theory on healers being legendaries is correct, then what would the Togetic have been? Perhaps Hustle corresponds to the Hider...
  9. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 2) I either randylynching or inactive!lynching is the best option, seeing as we don't have that much to go with (other than the fact that we probably shouldn't lynch Karkat). That is, lynching at all is even worth it. While we do have a chance at hitting a mafia...
  10. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 2) Perhaps one of them is the Backup Healer? The backup has a different ability to the normal healer.
  11. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 2) Serene Grace sounds like a healer role, so I think Togetic is most likely a healer. Healer!Celebi also makes sense, seeing as it's ability is Natural Cure. This sounds a bit suspicious to me for some reason. Is there any reason why you're hiding what could be...
  12. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 1) I don't have anything else to add so... Littlestream
  13. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 1) Their abilities probably don't affect their deaths, but it makes it easier for us to determine what roles are still in the game. If Granbull has intimidate, that could mean that Mai was a roleblocker? It makes a bit of sense (to me anyway), as intimidating...
  14. Rai-CH

    Experimental Pokemafia (INNOCENT WIN)

    Re: Experimental Pokemafia (DAY 1) I'm agreeing with everyone here about Mai's death being caused by the Schizo. It seems odd for the Mafia to go for a less experienced player first than a more experience player like Bachuru or Tailsy. I don't really have anything to say about the 'what...
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