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Search results

  1. Rai-CH

    Warriors Fan Club

    I'd join in on the mafia when it opens! I've only done one mafia (I was one of the few who survived) and it was heaps of fun
  2. Rai-CH

    Warriors Fan Club

    Just finished Long Shadows (god I'm behind.) I hate it when they leave books on a cliffhanger! Now I have to wait another 6 months or so to get Sunrise D: However, Also And finally (I like separating my spoilers if you couldn't tell) *entertains herself with spoilers until she can read...
  3. Rai-CH

    Warriors Fan Club

    I say Hawkfrost or Tigerstar. They were pretty awesome XD
  4. Rai-CH

    Warriors Fan Club

    According to that website, I'm Pantherclaw and I belong to Windclan. I like my name from the offical webiste better, I'm Wildclaw. I still belong to Windclan, but I like Riverclan better D:
  5. Rai-CH

    Warriors Fan Club

    I finished Eclipse, haven't gotten Long Shadows yet, so I'm guessing Jaypaw gets his warrior/medicine cat (whatever it's called) name in Long Shadows. Haha, my prediction was right :D Oh yeah! I remember Lionheart! He was only mentioned a few times in the first book, wasn't he? I predicted the...
  6. Rai-CH

    Warriors Fan Club

    The poem is really nice :) By the way, is it true that Jaypaw is going to be called Jayfeather, or is that some fan-name? If it's true, I've predicted that name since The Sight :P I also thought up Hollytail and Lionheart, but they were incorrect.
  7. Rai-CH

    Warriors Fan Club

    Can I join the club? I've been a Warriors fan for ages, it's the only book series I read XD I just finished Eclipse last week, but I won't be getting Long Shadows for a while though ): Can't find it in the library
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