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Search results

  1. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

  2. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    you fucker. you motherfucker. i hate you. you could have made this the perfect game for me. i'm crying rn I AM AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THE CLOWN
  3. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    rari you WHORE
  4. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    lookit this fuckin bird
  5. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    Oopsie forgot to capitalize that post
  6. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    that is pretty solid but i wouldnt discount the fact that there might be an outgroup, esp since i believe this game is supposed to have some bastard aspects
  7. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

  8. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    Just kidding RNP would probably beat my ass if the only discussion I incited was something dumb (although I do think about it a lot). Can someone explain to me why we're townreading BM? I've heard it's something like the general way they've played/interacted with other players so far, but I...
  9. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    How about if we discuss the philosophical dilemma that is "if you add other ingredients to a grilled cheese can it really still be called a grilled cheese anymore"
  10. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    also i'm 90% sure we can blast entire hydras at once but i've only shot a single target once
  11. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    yeah ok but rari has stated in dm's that we can totally shoot each other
  12. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    i'm a "trust noone" kind of player so none of yall really have my full clearance but i'd much prefer the removal of this parasite
  13. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    if anyone's commenting on my skill in graveyard chat you can go fuck yrself
  14. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    what's weird is stryke hasn't even attempted to fuck with my target (that being odysseus n1 and vm n2)
  15. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    if you just hit "post reply" i won't have a chance to fuck with them lmao
  16. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    I got a solo scum win once by just doing nothing why do your drafts sit around this long tbh
  17. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    if stryke's town he usually fucks around a lot and i recall a few scum games of his where his strat was "people will forget i exist if i'm quiet enough"
  18. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    not an action dumbass
  19. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    My action was being eyecandy. It was fulfilled
  20. Redstrykephoenix

    knives alley hydra mafia

    RNP talked to me once in the past couple days and it was to persuade me to contribute more so I guess now would be the time to do that vandalizing stryke's drafts don't mind me
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