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Search results

  1. RespectTheBlade

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    746. Repeat all of the above
  2. RespectTheBlade

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    763.Dress up as a nun and steal candy 762. buy a superman costume, and sue the store when it doesn't make you fly 761. take your blood pressure. then get angry and desttroy the machine with a sledgehammer. 760. Remember: When in doubt, use C4. 759.go to a pet store and ask them for a Starly
  3. RespectTheBlade

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    811: eat enough cookies to cause a world-wide recession 810: sneak up on two people having a converstaion. wait until you hear something of social value and then shout I'M TWEETING THIS! 809: keep asking people if they hear the voices 808: get a bunch of friends, and jump out at customers...
  4. RespectTheBlade

    1000 Things To Do In Walmart (or a big store)

    850: repeat all of the above in slow-mo 849: Buy a machete 848: Ask random people if they've seen an invisible shiny bulbasaur 847: stab everyone you see with a green foam sword and shout "RANDOM DUDE used LEAF BLADE" 846: Eat all of the M&M's, save for a single green one 845: Show off your...
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