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Search results

  1. Rose

    Racsism in pokemon

    But some people don't think fighting is good, no matter how "honorable" the intentions. So most people agree that the tactics of a dark pokemon are pretty nasty, but every one has a different idea of what is good, so it would be difficult to classify a light type that all would agree with. To...
  2. Rose

    Racsism in pokemon

    I am trying to say that dark pokemon as a actual type (not dark pokemon like the TCG) are just like saying bad. They aren't confined to one type, as in there are grass/dark types like Shiftry. When you say a pokemon is a water type, you normal think it is probably something that can dwell with...
  3. Rose

    Racsism in pokemon

    True, but the fact they are there still means something. To say that dark is a type based on a color would sound less likely then saying it's based on the childhood idea of light and dark symbolizing good and bad. I mean dark types are know mostly for attack, and nothing but attack. Something...
  4. Rose

    Racsism in pokemon

    The TCG has light types. I know because I own legit Light Wigglytuff. I don't know if there are more light types, but there is at least that one.
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