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Search results

  1. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Socialism means many things. Communism and Socialism of course overlap; but the Nazi Party was the National Socialist Party; and Clement Attlee, neither a Communist nor a Fascist, was a Socialist. Communism works on paper, but does not work in reality? Capitalism scarcely works on paper...
  2. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Crazy Weavile seems to have focused entirely on Obama's change politics and ignored McCain's war politics.
  3. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    You're right, of course; it varies with the situation. In this situation Obama is unlikely to be worse than McCain even if Obama is a sore disappointment. And Crazy Weavile isn't making a trade-off.
  4. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    It's better to choose the vague risk than the guaranteed idiot.
  5. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    You blindly support anyone who isn't vague?
  6. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Stryke, everyone knows we're really just lifting whole chunks of text verbatim from books of political theory. For instance,
  7. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    I concede that lack of natural resources and geographical isolation are factors which have a large effect on a small number of nations: namely, islands and those nations similar to Mongolia. That is the heart of our disagreement. I think you have a limited understanding of imperialism. Most...
  8. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    First, even if one ignores what ... has said, it is absurdly euphemistic to use the word "only" in the sentence, "Only in Third-World countries." Indeed only half of the human race was living on only $2 or less a day in the year 2001. The "third-world" is not a mere anomaly although it is easy...
  9. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    Strangy, you know more about politics than I do; I don't find your posts retarded but I must say that most people in this capitalist world of ours often have insufficient food and awfully difficult and miserable lives.
  10. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    It depends which faults you're referring to. I was rather referring to the total collapse of communist nations not the faults of strange transitional economies. Edit: I'm going to bed now but I'll probably continue this debate tomorrow. In general I am arguing that the Cold War was the main...
  11. Ruby

    2008 American Presidential Election

    I think one is mistaken to employ China, Cuba, the USSR, et cetera as evidence that communism doesn't work. Capitalism was already old and globally established when communist nations such as the USSR were born. Capitalist governments are very hostile to communism. Communist nations have been...
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