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Search results

  1. S. E.

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    @superyoshi888: I get that most of it is for "training", but that doesn't prevent everything from looking plain silly. Considering what you said about Spring Breeze, how come Meta Knight didn't take the throne like he had originally planned? No, seriously, you don't have to answer that. XP And...
  2. S. E.

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    Except he's in Brawl Yeah, you're probably right. While I'm here, I may as well point out the Nonsensical-ness that is Meta Knightmare Ultra. In order: -First, in Spring Breeze, he randomly pwns Dedede even though he didn't do anything wrong. Senseless fighting FTW. -I suppose Dyna Blade...
  3. S. E.

    Nonsensical, Contradictory and/or Stupid Things in Video Games

    I don't remember blood... O.o; Anyways, I don't think so. Otherwise he wouldn't be Classic mode, if that counts for anything. But um, I guess he could be dead. As for Crazy Hand, I guess they didn't feel like creating a backstory for him. I might, though~ (In mah RP)
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