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Search results

  1. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP ((Sorry guys. D:)) Kris turned around. "Okay. We won't leave without you, so we'll be waiting." Back at the hatch site, there was a loud and abrupt thumping noise. Garurumon came trotting into the clearing. "Is Butterflymon around? I came back to let her know the...
  2. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Kris looked up at Vixi. "It's not your fault... Come on, let's not waste any time." she said as she hurried off towards the other clearing, hoping the others would follow. ((Fail.))
  3. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP ((Just so you know, my non-posting-ness is because I'm waiting for either Kali the Flygon, Stormecho, or Eon Spirit to post first.))
  4. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP The beam shot strait through Devimon, causing him to stumble a bit. Keeling over, he began to glow. When it subsided, he had become a DemiDevimon again. "Grr... I'll get my revenge! You'll see!" he said as he picked up his Digivice and flew off. Even though she had...
  5. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Devimon was cut and then tackled to the ground, unable to get free of Vai. Butterflymon was beginning to fade even more. "You..." She tried to get up, but it was too much for her and she fell to the ground again. Suddenly, there was a flash of light. Butterflymon...
  6. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Before Devimon could say anything, Butterflymon and the others had arrived at the scene. "Look!" Kris pointed. "It's Devimon!" Butterflymon landed and let Kris get down. "What are you doing with those three, Devimon?" Butterflymon said, voice seemingly calm. "Will...
  7. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP ((We might get it later. Besides, Kat isn't a Gatomon yet.))
  8. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP ((Obtained DigiEgg of Love (used), Hope (used), and Knowledge (used, but not for long), and going to where Vixi, Pherin, and Kayou are to see what's going on. Basically.))
  9. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Gatomon paused for a moment. "If I Digivolve again to Butterflymon, then I too can fly one of you." She walked over to Kris. "May I have that? You can ride." "Alright," said Kris as she handed Gatomon the DigiEgg. Once she had changed back to Butterflymon, Kris...
  10. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP "Ack!" DemiDevimon was unable to avoid the oncoming threads and fell to the ground, momentarily paralyzed. Then, there was a bright flash of light. At first he thought he was Digivolving, but he soon realized it was coming from the Kudamon. He lie on the ground...
  11. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP ((...Cliff? Vai isn't anywhere near the cliff.)) DemiDevimon saw the Renamon make eye contact with him. He could hear her say something to the others, but he couldn't make it out. Well, I've been spotted. Now would be a good time to test my Digivice and see if it...
  12. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Kris looked up at the newly evolved Pegasusmon. "Wow... sure, if you don't mind. So are you two going to take your pick and Digivolve?" she turned to face Kat and Vai. --- DemiDevimon looked down from the sheer cliff at the three Digimon below. Ah, good. They've...
  13. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Kris turned around. "Sorry..." she said to Vixi. Then she turned to Pherin, but she didn't know what to say. Looking back at the other two, she said, "I'm giving up on him. If he ever explained himself once in a while..." she trailed off and headed back towards the...
  14. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Gatomon looked up. "Oh? There appear to some of you missing... weren't there three others?" "Um, well, Pherin and Kayou just wandered off, but I don't see Vixi either..." Kris walked a ways and then turned around. "I'll go look, but I think the rest of you should...
  15. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP "Well, I guess there's no stopping them." Kris said as she saw Kayou disappear into the forest behind Pherin. Gatomon came back holding the three DigiEggs, two in her paws and the other being dragged along by her tail. "Got them." she said as she set them down...
  16. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP "I'm glad you brought that up. You see, I collect DigiEggs. Not the kind that hatch, but the kind you mentioned. I have four so far: The DigiEgg of Love, the DigiEgg of Hope, the DigiEgg of Friendship, and the DigiEgg of Knowledge which I have absorbed to become...
  17. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP ((Quit picking on poor Palmon! D:)) Kris examined herself. She now had limbs; two clawed hands with four claws each with one serving as a thumb of sorts, and two large, clawed feet. She also had an alligator-like head, only with both head and jaws somewhat smaller...
  18. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP Momentarily stunned by the poisonous gas, Palmon could not avoid the incoming bubbles. However, neither did much damage. As she retracted her vines, Kris began to foam at the mouth as she fired several small bubbles at Palmon. Having regained movement, she swatted...
  19. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP "You are all going to see Ophanimon." said Butterflymon simply. "And you are correct - I said nothing because I wanted to follow you here, and I didn't want to alarm you." Kris decided to cut in. "But the others are right, we can't get by like this. We already had...
  20. S. E.

    Closed [DEAD] Digitized - A Digimon RP

    Re: Digitized - A Digimon RP "Why did it happen? That is what everyone is trying to find out. We don't know anything more than you do at the moment, I'm afraid." she said, looking at Pherin. "I cannot be sure of how you would Digivolve, either. This is the first case of Tamers turning into...
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