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Search results

  1. Sage Noctowl

    Kammington versus Blackthorne Steele

    Kammington (the real one)? I'm going to need a description of the lower level, so can you compile one? I think the floor's going to give any second.
  2. Sage Noctowl

    Kammington versus Blackthorne Steele

    End of Round 2 Statistics: Kammington: 0/2 Pokémon fainted Miltank 'Cashcow' the female Miltank Ability: Scrappy Health: 81% Energy: ∞ Commands: Metronome~Metronome~Metronome Status: Poisoned, "Boy, sure is windy here!" Blackthorne Steele: 0/2 Pokémon fainted Beldum 'Ascalon' the Beldum...
  3. Sage Noctowl

    Kammington versus Blackthorne Steele

    End of Round 1 Statistics: Kammington: 0/2 Pokémon fainted Miltank 'Cashcow' the female Miltank Ability: Scrappy Health: 89% Energy: ∞ Command results: Metronome~Metronome~MetronomeB] Status: Still happy, feeling better off than Ascalon Blackthorne Steele: 0/2 Pokémon fainted Beldum 'Ascalon'...
  4. Sage Noctowl

    Kammington versus Blackthorne Steele

    Edited for ultimate stupidity (I could have sworn I put those in...)
  5. Sage Noctowl

    Kammington versus Blackthorne Steele

    On a completely different plane of existence from the ASB world, two people are walking outside near New York City. The first looks at a piece of paper, and walks towards a house on the opposite side of the street. A teenaged child opens the door and welcomes them in. After climbing a flight...
  6. Sage Noctowl

    Kammington versus Blackthorne Steele

    First out, Kammington's Party: 'Kappa', the male Marshtomp Ability: Torrent Signature Attribute: Natural Leader 'Envy', the female Mismagius Ability: Levitate Signature Move: Heartbreaker 'Toad Man', the male Croagunk Ability: Dry Skin 'Dangermouse', the male Nidoran Ability: Poison Point...
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