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Search results

  1. Sandstone-Shadow

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Awww that is cute. =3
  2. Sandstone-Shadow

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    In GIMP, open the file and right-click the background layer. (If the sprite was made in Paint or something, there will only be one layer anyway.) Select "Add Alpha Channel." Then you can delete the background (using one of the selection tools is easiest) and save. I don't know if you're using...
  3. Sandstone-Shadow

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Zubat animation. =3
  4. Sandstone-Shadow

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Aww, cute. =3 The muzzle's outlines aren't very different from the main color, though; try darkening the outlines there and emphasizing the highlights. The base of the tail could start thicker, too. As for the eye, try looking at an official Houndoom sprite; mostly when I draw eyes, I attempt...
  5. Sandstone-Shadow

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    It could be the color scheme for a poison-type Flygon, but it should not be a poison type Flygon. A good retype doesn't just change the colors, but changes features of the Pokémon and adds different ones to better portray that type. </pet peeve> But anyways, your recolors look nice. There's...
  6. Sandstone-Shadow

    The Spriter's Showcase!

    Dithering isn't necessary to make fur look fur-like. Take a look at a Pokémon like raticate or arcanine. See how their fur isn't dithered, but shaded kind of jaggedly? Try shading it like that; it'll look better than the dithering. Or, if you look on Arcanine's back, the shading is smooth...
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