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Search results

  1. Shadowstar

    Open A new beginning:A Death Note RP*spoilers up to the end of ep 37*

    "Oh! I think ther's a bus stop nearby, but I got here on a bike, so I can't be sure, I always take my little short cuts."
  2. Shadowstar

    Open A new beginning:A Death Note RP*spoilers up to the end of ep 37*

    (Naw, he's obviously 18 or 19. =3) "I don't know where anything is anymore, I've been in america..."
  3. Shadowstar

    Open A new beginning:A Death Note RP*spoilers up to the end of ep 37*

    (Will someone reply to my post?)
  4. Shadowstar

    Open A new beginning:A Death Note RP*spoilers up to the end of ep 37*

    "You... Don't remember me? Remember Middle School! Anyway, let me re-introduce myself. I'm Shadow." She didn't want to admit that she didn't have the slitest idea where anything was in this city. "Hey, I think I have something that might intrest you. Meet me here tomarrow at 11:00 PM."
  5. Shadowstar

    Open A new beginning:A Death Note RP*spoilers up to the end of ep 37*

    Just to make sure she wasn't hearing things, Shadow jumped down from the roof of the wherehouse. She followed Light's voice. She Shreaked in surprise and joy.
  6. Shadowstar

    Open A new beginning:A Death Note RP*spoilers up to the end of ep 37*

    Shadow had just so happened to be on the roof of where Light was, however, she didn't know this until she heard his voice, which she heard because the surrounding area was dead silent. "Light...?" she wispered to herself.
  7. Shadowstar

    Open A new beginning:A Death Note RP*spoilers up to the end of ep 37*

    OC Name:Shadow Age:18 Gender:Female Description:Red dress and higheels, cresant moon berrete(can't spell in the morning...), long, black hair, four feet and fifty centimeters tall. Personality:Quiet and willing to help. History:Shadow has been Light's secret admirer since middle school. She...
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