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Search results

  1. Shiny Grimer

    I'd like to learn a language.

    Whether or not you are a discriminatory person is irrelevant to how you act. Your original posts did come off as sounding like there are no bright people going to state schools. Please quote when anybody said that the middle class is responsible for anything bad. Except that we must account...
  2. Shiny Grimer

    I'd like to learn a language.

    Darn! My investigative skills need sharpening. :/ Yeah, I've come to the conclusion that the only language that's really useful for biology is English. And maybe Latin since there are a lot of Latin terms, but these can probably be assimilated as English words. So yeah, you're better off going...
  3. Shiny Grimer

    I'd like to learn a language.

    Why Portuguese, then? You say that Italian would be too easy - wouldn't Portuguese as well? And any of the Scandinavian languages would be way too easy, seeing as you already know three Germanic languages (and German, I've heard, gives you a huge lead on Swedish vocabulary) and the grammar is...
  4. Shiny Grimer

    I'd like to learn a language.

    I know you do; that's why I added the ";)". And New York is a city, but I'd never heard about the most linguistically diverse town and thought "Well that's interesting because NYC is the most diverse city. Wonder what the town is?" And it's not fake; it's new and improved. is it bedford? :z...
  5. Shiny Grimer

    I'd like to learn a language.

    That's a shame because French is really a lovely language. :( Don't let school let you down! I also took French in school and I was put off by it for a while, but If your mother speaks Polish, then that's a great opportunity to practice Polish. Plus, I'm guessing there might be other family...
  6. Shiny Grimer

    I'd like to learn a language.

    What are your interests? What do you like to do? You don't need to speak with Norwegian speakers in real life. Are there any books in Norwegian you'd be interested in reading? Movies? I don't speak with any Russians in real life but I still find opportunities to use Russian every day. The most...
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