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Search results

  1. Shiny Grimer

    Was Venonat supposed to evolve into Butterfree?

    I don't think Butterfree is cuter than Venonat. o_o Am I alone in thinking Venonat is adorable? A Venonat doll would rock. The Sugimori art, I think, still looks rather close - in the pictures posted earlier, they're even in a similar pose.
  2. Shiny Grimer

    Was Venonat supposed to evolve into Butterfree?

    It was a site called either 'Pokedream' or a much older one which unfortunatley, I don't remember, but I don't think it exists anymore. :( A quick google search on Tajiri 1000 pokemon doesn't reveal anything; it's possible the site was making it up, but I found it to be interesting. Maybe...
  3. Shiny Grimer

    Was Venonat supposed to evolve into Butterfree?

    For the G/S pictures, yes. For the block color pictures... no. Well, I'm referring to the block color illustrations used in the Official Pokemon guide. Those were the ones seen everywhere; I don't recall the watercolor illustrations existing until Gold and Silver. For instance, each poster or...
  4. Shiny Grimer

    Was Venonat supposed to evolve into Butterfree?

    For future reference, I am only judging based off of the early sprites since that is where any supposed "mix up" would be most likely to happen. Anything after red, blue, green, and yellow would have already cemented the idea of Venomoth evolving from Venonat and Butterfree from Metapod. The...
  5. Shiny Grimer

    Was Venonat supposed to evolve into Butterfree?

    Something that I always found weird as a kid was how much Venonat and Butterfree looked alike. The eyes, mouth and hands are definitely similar. The feet and antennae are somewhat similar as well. Someone on TVTropes has speculated that perhaps the sprites were switched for Butterfree and...
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