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Search results

  1. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "No one has to wait for me i'll be fine..." said Silver in a sarcastic tone.
  2. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors ((Laptop...?))
  3. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "Huff...huff. Couldn't wait for me could ya?!" said Silver collapaseing. "I need to rest..phew."
  4. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors Bubbles flew out of the water and popped. They said "Help...me.." Silver tried to free herself but it didn't work. Please...hurry! she though in her mind.
  5. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "I can't swim but i have to save our friend!" she said as she dove underwater to get Terry. Can't swim...but i have to try! she thought She pushed Terry up to the top but something caught her leg. She blew two bubbles and said "Help...me.." in them both...
  6. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors Silver followed Terry. If they are rare berries wouldn't the be in Luxray's teritory?! Silver thought as horror pictures went through her mind.
  7. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors ((Medicine??)) "Yawn. It is pretty late." said Silver curling her tail.
  8. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "I'd rather not." said Silver ready to go back to the base.
  9. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "Ok,come on everyone!" shouted Silver to the others.
  10. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors ((HYDRO PUMP!?!?!)) Silver jumped off the regi as it got hit by the Hydro pump.
  11. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "Thanks,Vik." said Silver as she attacked the Regigigas on the head. "This is for dropping that rock on me!" Silver said as shocked the Regigigas.
  12. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors Silver tried to avoid the rocks but one fell on her tail. "Ow!! How dare you put a rock on my tail!" Silver yelled trying to push the rock off but it didn't want to budge.
  13. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors ((um how did all that happen??)) "Great,first humans now a Reigigigas!?!?" said Silver as she darted and headbutted the Reigigigas.
  14. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "Yea,let's go!" said Silver turning around about to take off.
  15. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors "Wow you saved us...Thank you." said Silver as the fear of the ShadowPunch went away.
  16. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors Silver jumped on the trainer. "Terry watch out!" shouted Silver as she shocked the trainer. She went to take down Sableye but it punched her with IcePunch. "You think you can take me down? Not a chance!"
  17. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors ((ill be back later im going to the libray)) Silver kept her pace to get to Terry.
  18. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors Silver folowed behind Terry. "Come on everyone!" yelled Sliver.
  19. Silver

    Open [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors

    Re: [CAN GET VIOLENT] Pokémon Warriors anymore room? Name-Silver Age-13 Colour suit-light blue Colour Shield-yellow Pokémon-Pachirisu Colour-White Gender-Female
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