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  1. S


    I'd rather not have to repeat myself. Go back through my last couple of posts. As of now, I'm done with this thread. I tried coming in here again, but there are way too many people. What's the point in arguing if there are 20 people on you at once and every single one of them wants to argue...
  2. S


    That's pretty uncivilized behavior if you ask me. Since when was fap material for furries considered a valid argument? I could post a picture of Lucario with 10 female Lopunnies all over him, but what would that accomplish?
  3. S


    It's a pretty well-known fact that only humans and dolphins have sex for pleasure, and therefore why would penguins, birds, lions ect. have sex for any other reason than procreation? OT: What is it with my nuts? People are jumping on them like they're trampolines!
  4. S


    What? How so?
  5. S


    No, it's unnatural and therefore two people of the samne sex shouldn't be recognized as legally married.
  6. S


    Did I ever say it wasn't? I drew a conclusion, but you chose to ignore it. That's your fault. It's only a war if the participants in this thread let it become one. As of now, I have nothing against these guys.
  7. S


    I already said I don't care. Go ahead and fap to whatever.
  8. S


    Well why don't we just make pedophilia, necropihlia ect. lawful then?
  9. S


    Says who? I really couldn't care less about what people do in their bedrooms. I even work with a gay guy and he's pretty cool. The point is, that gays aren't born gay, and therefore homosexuality is unnatural.
  10. S


    So you admit that they aren't born gay? That's cool, we're at least getting somewhere. Either that, or it was more like a "that statement is like TOTALLY false, but since I don't have no rebuttal, I'll just ignore it by the way ur wrong!1!!" Homosexuality is unnatural, and if marrying...
  11. S


    Well "logically", according to the rabid religion-haters' little theory of evolution, gays would have been weeded out by natural selection. If they are born the way they are, and they can't "get it up" in the presence of a woman, then they cannot procreate.
  12. S


    Whoops, and here I was thinking I had religious freedom. Silly me! lol i nevr sayd u was a troll
  13. S


    All you've done is bash religion without anything to back up your foolish claims. 'Looks a lot like a pathetic attempt at trolling to me.
  14. S


    That's what I said, wasn't it? Each individual has the right to vote according to their personal beliefs.
  15. S


    I'm sorry, but I shouldn't be expected to vote against my religious beliefs. This is America, where everyone is free to vote according to THEIR VALUES.
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