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  1. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Stunky knocked out Psyduck. Trapinch was sent out. Stunky used selfdestruct before Trapinch could attack. Does this mean neither Psyduck nor Trapinch gets the KO exp? If this has been answered, I apologize in advance.
  2. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Metronome battles no longer grant exp. What about happiness and money?
  3. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Is a taunt+sandstorm combo feasible?
  4. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Here's the battle. Bought her at the black market
  5. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    When a Happiny evolves, is its happiness supposed to revert to 0?
  6. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    I see. Thank you.
  7. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Not trying to be bothersome, but in the old PRO, it says Metang need 5 exp to evolve. The Metang I just bought has 0/8 exp. I assume it had some, or was it sucked away at Lacuna Labs?
  8. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    If I remember correctly, pokemon that evolve through happiness also get exp. If that's correct, how many exp. and how many happiness points would a Cleffa holding a lucky egg get after scoring a KO?
  9. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    A clarification about prizes and exp. If a pokemon A participates in battle, but its trainer is disqualified, does pokemon A get exp? Pokemon B, pokemon A's opponent, doesn't get an extra exp since it failed to KO pokemon A. Correct? After one round, trainer A gets disqualified. Does trainer B...
  10. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    If a pokemon is flying, (not with the move fly, just not on the ground) can it be hit by mega kick? In a battle in a warehouse, I reffed ancientpower as some of the floor breaking up to become some rocks. Will this also be the case for rock slide?
  11. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    If pokemon A has 6 clones up and pokemon B uses taunt, is the taunt at full accuracy or does it only hit one of the multiple pokemon A? In referee headquarters, it says e-refs get a bonus $3 while in emergency referee outpost it still says $5. Also, I just thought of something. If I'm not...
  12. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Can a pokemon know what type it will become before using camouflage? "Now use Camouflage, but only if you become grass, if not, just chill" If no, will it just randomly perform one of the conditionals or default to chill or do nothing? Also, how does one calculate energy use for double team...
  13. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Might a ralts possibly be able to consensually hover through the use of psychic powers?
  14. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Yes. Thank you.
  15. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    I just came back from months of not being here, so this might be an epic fail post. Forgive me if that's the case. I can't seem to find the "evolve" link for my squirtle. screenshot
  16. Skylark

    ASB Rules

    Can Milotic be considered consentually hovering based on the Milotic floating around Ash and friends near the end of the Our Cup Runneth Over! (DP Battle Dimension) episode?
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