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Search results

  1. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *watches Never Mind The Buzzcocks S23 EP12*
  2. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *eats home-made soup* *says I actually made soup*
  3. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *tells Hippy that I don't like lemonade* *asks for chamomile tea with sugar and cream in it"
  4. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *apologizes for throwing the pillow*
  5. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *throws a pillow at someone for no reason*
  6. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *asks how a dalek can be adorable*
  7. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *says okay*
  8. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *doesn't care if it defeats the purpose*
  9. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *I am not speaking. I am thinking. You can read my thoughts. And yes, it was a good cookie.*
  10. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *wakes up and eats cookie that Hippy gave me*
  11. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *dies from adorableness*
  12. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *Stop judging me D:*
  13. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *stop using weird actions in long chains of weird*
  14. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *I have an adorable clay Dalek on my desk.* *How is a Dalek adorable?*
  15. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *LOL= Lazy Old Lemons*
  16. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole*
  17. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *Would you like a jelly baby?*
  18. SonicScrewdriverTaco

    The silence game

    *I like to copy and paste*
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