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Search results

  1. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Lyle still wasn't sure whether or not he liked this idea or not, but 'mons like Ignatius weren't exactly rare in his world—like that bastard Nils. All too many times the commonfolk would just have to grin and bear things while 'mons like him did as they pleased. How many times had he wished for...
  2. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Lyle remained quiet as words formed on the tip of his tongue only him to bite it. On the one hand, it was hard to say that Sonora and her motivations didn't seem sympathetic, but on the other... this was a world where Pokémon would get killed over stealing a couple weeks' wages. At least back in...
  3. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Lyle stared blankly. How Sonora was this completely unconcerned about walking into a likely trap? "Sonora, Ignatius is already expecting you to come. And he wants you and your gang dead," Lyle said. "Why does this mean so much to you? What makes you so sure that you will really make a difference?"
  4. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Lyle fell silent from his end of the table and looked on. Maybe Sonora was putting on an act for them, but if so, it was a damn convincing one. It was a bit startling, really. Even if he was pretty sure the details were a bit different, Sonora really did really remind him of Kate... and of...
  5. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "... Clever," Lyle said, a small smile coming over his mouth. "You actually remind me a bit of a friend of mine." The Cyndaquil raised his mug and drank from it, before turning his attention back to Sonora. He weighed things over in his head, before deciding to take a leap of faith. "The...
  6. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Lyle quietly studied his surroundings. Was it safe to just tell the truth? Sonora was confident enough to come here as a wanted 'mon, but at the same time, couldn't just about anyone from town wander in the door? Silver had gone ahead and spoke up, but even then, he'd clearly made a point to try...
  7. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    Lyle thought back to the morning they woke up at the desert encampment. Now that he thought about it, he did remember seeing a canteen and some cans of food left behind. He'd thought that it'd been left behind in a hurry originally, but considering how long they were asleep... were they? It...
  8. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "You can stick with 'Cyndaquil' for now," Lyle said. "I don't make a habit of giving out names to Pokémon that I don't trust." He turned on his seat and turned his snout up with a quiet harrumph. "Though why on earth are you seeking us out now?" he asked. "Since you and your buddies sure...
  9. S

    Frontier Town Nina's Place

    "I mean, I've heard of 'mons setting plants on fire to make pleasing smoke back in my world, but I don't remember ever seeing anything like this," Lyle said. "I'm honestly surprised that everybody here seems so unfazed by it since something definitely smells strange about the smoke here." What...
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