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Search results

  1. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N3] Abstaining until we get a better lead.
  2. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N2] Without names, that's not really helpful or reliable information. Anyone could just say, "I inspected [someone] and s/he was [alignment.]" and claim anything with that method. It doesn't bring us any closer to figuring out who's innocent. Was it related to Light Yagami...
  3. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N2] Well, posting more is how you get experience. I was a terrible player when I started. =\ Changing Flower Doll to Glace, Bobino remains.
  4. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N2] Good point. Although it doesn't get rid of the possibility that he could be a powerless innocent lackey or a role of that sort, him not being around is a good reason not to kill him. I think that since Glace and Superbird have posted, those were the only two inactives...
  5. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N2] If we can't abstain, I'd imagine that we need two votes. Flower Doll and Bobino for inactivity. =\
  6. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N2] Preferrably without unneccesary roleclaims that'll make it easier for the innocents to decide who they target next.
  7. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N1] Abstain. Day Night (so confusing!) 1 is always the worst.
  8. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N1] Oh, that wasn't you? Sorry. I just think I remember reading a game where someone fakeclaimed with something really obscure and odd, got called out, pretended it was a joke, and turned out to be Mafia. And the Corrupt Princess role seems like it has a really strange power.
  9. Squirrel

    Reverse Mafia [D3]

    Re: Reverse Mafia [N1] Egging everyone on like that isn't exactly the best idea in a Mafia game. We have plenty of time to discuss things. And I'm not accusing you of being Innocent this early on, but in another game, I definitely remember someone (RK10, I think) with a strange roleclaim that...
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