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Search results

  1. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Luna and withdrew one last Pokemon, a Flaafy named Claire, and ran out of her seat at Alice's commands after recalling Cesario. "Are we going to detain the truck or just follow it? Do we need our Pokemon?" she asked, reaching for Florece's and Nanee's pokeballs. What was going on? Why was a...
  2. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Luna decided to follow Torn's and Violet's leads and tossed Cesario's pokeball in the air. "Who... who are you?" the Houndour asked with a childish combination of confusion, curiosity, and a subtle bit of fear. "Luna. I'm your new trainer, little guy," she replied. She stuck out a hand to...
  3. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    "Well, think about it, Erindor. The emergency protocol releases every Pokemon within the PC system and from there, Team Rocket Admins steal all of the Pokemon and does god-knows-what to 'em. If we keep them, we get new Pokemon and they don't have to suffer from Team Rocket's actions. See? It's...
  4. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    OOC: Whoops. Guess I wasn't reading carefully enough. I'll edit that now.
  5. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Luna watched the computer screen and searched through all the trainers' boxes. "Since Rocket's going to get so many Pokemon already, can I take that Houndour? ...It's not like they'll be any better off where we're sending them. It'd be happier with me," Luna stated, hoping that Alice would say...
  6. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Luna stared at Grin for a moment. Then, she cackled bitterly, unable to keep herself calm. "A-hahahahaha!... heheh... uu... ...'Not honorable'? They steal, kill, manipulate people, ruin lives... and all you can say is that they're 'not honorable'? God..." she muttered with a clenched fist and...
  7. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Luna followed everyone to the dorm. She packed her handbag with the USB and Flash drives reluctantly, along with a smoke bomb just as a precaution. Considering how hated Team Rocket was, it wasn't like trouble wasn't an impossible situation. She considered putting Florece and Glacia back, seeing...
  8. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Steal... steal Pokemon... steal from innocent, naive trainers... steal their partners and loyal friends... No matter how many times Luna repeated it, mouthed it, it didn't seem any better and even felt much worse. It... it doesn't matter. If our squad didn't do it, another definitely would...
  9. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Luna watched Clay play with Leafre and chuckled subtly. Florece stared at the orbs on Clay's tail and batted at it with her paw playfully. They were almost oblivious to the activities at the table until tw- no, three people joined. Luna turned to the group and stared. Were they part of the...
  10. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Re: Thieves of Moonlight Luna walked casually through the crowded mob of Rocket grunts and toward the mess hall. It was still amazing just how many Rocket grunts there were in the base; this one small base out of many. The very thought of how many members of Team Rocket there could be with all...
  11. Squirrel

    Closed Thieves of Moonlight [Sign-ups closed]

    Re: Thieves of Moonlight Name: Luna R. Sex: Female Age: 17 Appearance: She's about 5''6 with light skin. Luna has grey-green eyes and short, curly light brown hair, barely reaching the top of her shoulders, which she keeps in the back with a black hairband. She has short bangs that only go...
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