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Search results

  1. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    All these commons... if I didn't know better, I'd say they're more common than the better things or something. [/sarcasm] Ignore it.
  2. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    Also ignoring the Sentret. It'll probably be a while before it's done, since I'm doing other things for the time being. But it should be ready by next week.
  3. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    I'm guessing the questions have a set format, say 'What is the main body color of a shiny __________', and then there's just a list of possibilities that can go in the gap, right? If so, the sentences and the options seperately, I guess. Ignorifying the Hoothoot.
  4. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    If you like, I'll be happy to. And I'll also be happy to catch the Eevee. (Oops. I'm a ninja and I didn't even know it.)
  5. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    No. (I'm serious about that JS generator; I'd be happy to make one)
  6. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    AAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGHH Ignore. I reckon given the range of questions available and a few days, I could probably rig up a simple JavaScript generator for you, but I suppose that would give me prior knowledge of the questions, giving me an unfair advantage or something.
  7. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    Ignoring~ My brain is on a permanent lag.
  8. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  9. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  10. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  11. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  12. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  13. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  14. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  15. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  16. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  17. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  18. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    Um, I guess I'll use the Repel?
  19. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

  20. Squornshellous Beta

    The Pokemon Academy

    No. You've spelt 'Rattata' wrong in the first post, by the way.
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