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Search results

  1. Storm Earth and Fire

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    The ships were suddenly swamped by great waves, almost unnatural waves. They began to list and sink. However, as Arjan watched the scene from afar, a verdant mass lurched up and formed a knotted mess in front of him. A lovely flower sprouted. He slapped a hand on his forehead in annoyance, and...
  2. Storm Earth and Fire

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Arjan took his bow off his shoulder and took the string off. He sat back down, sipped his tea, and relaxed. Until he heard a tap, seemingly from nowhere. He got up go to the door. However, he noticed something amiss with one of the windows he walked past. Vines crawled across it at a rather...
  3. Storm Earth and Fire

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    ((I am, even though my last post might indicate otherwise because I'm an idiot. :P)) Arjan got up and headed westward, towards the coastal town he originally came from. Getting into town, he headed towards his residence, a tidy little house that had a pretty good view of the sea. He fixed some...
  4. Storm Earth and Fire

    March of Kazros - Legends of Nisdharil, Chapter I

    Arjan laid down in the pleasant field. He sat up and sighed a bit, then spotted another human strolling down the path that lead through this particular plain. A patch of weeds near the young man's feet suddenly sprang forth and transformed into a group of lovely flowers. A little sapling nearby...
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