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Search results

  1. Stormecho

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Balia dashed forward, having finally caught on that they were escaping now. Mane and tail brightening, she tried to aim a few Embers at the cameras she passed, but the spurt of fire was weak, just barely scorching it. The light around her intensified, and she nearly stopped in her tracks as she...
  2. Stormecho

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Balia had been knocked out by the sudden explosion, and just now - finally - got to her feet, head spinning. "I'm tired of waking up like this." she muttered sullenly, the sound of a familiar song pounding in her head. Why was I one of the chosen ones? Until the fight I could not see... It...
  3. Stormecho

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Balia whinnied and leaped, trying to - hey, it might work! - fly, or float, or something, but she fell pretty normally, a bullet hitting his shoulder. Stumbling, the Ponyta shuddered, trying to get away from the oncoming melee without making herself noticable. This. Sucks.
  4. Stormecho

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Balia wanted to hit the Lucario with a well-aimed Flamethrower, and well - everyone else as well. But without her flames being perfect, she didn't think she could. "I'm sure you all will get along just fine without me then, if you think I'm so spoiled." she spat, already turning and look for an...
  5. Stormecho

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Balia stepped back once more, ears pinning back. "Oh, just shut up! I don't see any of you losing one of the things you relied on all your life!" It seemed everyone was snappish now, including her. Oh, this was just great. Her flames were so cool - just barely warm, and the distant warmth of...
  6. Stormecho

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    Balia shuddered, feeling faint. So cold... why was she so cold? Where was the usual, comforting heat? The Ponyta opened her eyes and gaped. There were so many Pokemon, all looking weird. "What's wrong with all of you?" she asked, voice rather quavery. With a snort, she tried again, and was...
  7. Stormecho

    Open The Sound's Specimens

    I told you I'd join! XD Now, I brought back Tala, Diera, Aeru and Karae. Could I bring back Balia? Or... Ah, the Transformed RP is fairly dead. Name: Balia Gender: Female Species: Ponyta Appearance: Balia's appearance is very, very striking. Her flames, rather than being the usual...
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