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Search results

  1. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    ((Token? o_o Uh, sure. x3))
  2. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    ((And my new partner hasn't posted as well. >>))
  3. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass calmly drifted into the tower, a Shadow Ball charging in her hands. "Now, what will show itself?" she asked, expecting something to attack her.
  4. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    ((...My partner's not posted at all. >> Can I like, go on my own or something? XD))
  5. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass looked over to her partner expectantly, still preening from the applause on her victory against Articuno. "Shall we go?"
  6. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass shuddered as the flames hit, feeling all that newly restored health go to waste. Still, now she was feeling vengeful, and quickly lashed out with a Payback, following it up at close quarters with an Ice Punch, and then an Ice Beam for good measure - the Wigglytuff would pay for burning...
  7. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    (I was going to put a whole post here, but isn't Giga Impact normal-type, and thus unable to affect a Ghost-type? x3)
  8. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass winced visibly, but her health had replenished and the water had only glanced her. Sleep Talking once more, she suddenly moved forward jerkily, before administering an ironic Wake Up Slap to her foe.
  9. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass began to murmur in her sleep, and then created a flickering Confuse Ray. Some more Sleep Talk, and an arcing spark warned the arrival of an incredibly accurate Thunder.
  10. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass evaded sleep, if only because she was already poisoned and wincing. Summoning up a cold wind, she directed it at the Wigglytuff, and then followed the Icy Wind with a Mud Slap, intending to slow it down and lower its accuracy. Feeling worn out, she then closed her eyes and tried a Rest...
  11. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    ((Yeah... XD Fun.)) Froslass winced as the fumes poisoned her, and quickly went for door 5 this time. One last room...
  12. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass drifted over to door 3 next, wanting to get it over with. (Can you still use Rest after you've been in a Poison room to get rid of it?)
  13. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Which doors are left? I assume I still have to go through three more. :P
  14. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass jerked awake and shot the bird a murderous glare, before deciding to end it once and for all. A Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt and another headache-inducing Psychic were sent its way, followed by an Ice Beam - just to take out some anger. Yay for complete overkill! ((Lazy use of same moves...
  15. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass winced at the next attack, but finally had enough energy to go on the offensive once more - a tweaking of her mental energies, to attune them, and she then unleashed a Psychic on the legendary, grinning inwardly as she distanced herself from the other's mind once more and used another...
  16. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    (Yay, it's half dead! =D) Froslass could do nothing except brace herself for the bitterly cold blast. At least it was ice, rather than fire... Hopefully the legendary would blunder and hurt itself while she recuperated.
  17. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass flinched back as the Thunder/Aurora Beam slammed into her Protect, unnerved by how easily it had gotten rid of its paralysis. Acting quickly, she used a Confuse Ray, and then managed a Toxic, before gathering power. A lot of power. She couldn't act cautious when dealing with an icy bird...
  18. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass shuddered as the Ice Shards hit. She whipped up a Hailstorm, not hard to do considering the place, and then called up a blue glittering shield in front of her. Safe behind the Protect, she then attacked with Thunderbolt once more, wanting to bring it down quickly.
  19. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    ((...D: Articuno? Unfair! XD)) The Froslass didn't have much time to react with the usual awe - a legendary, cool! No, she had to get ready for an attack, though the plummeting temperature made her feel alert enough to fire off a weak jolt of electricity, and then a much stronger one: Thunder...
  20. Stormecho

    Lucario Palace

    Froslass opened the door marked with a number 8 with some trepidation, wishing she could stay outside where it was nice and chilly.
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