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Search results

  1. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise, is Coronada wearing robes or armour?
  2. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise (OO) [King's English] Ralts (Male) <Synchronise> @Dawn Stone Health: 13% Energy: 40% Commands: Snatch ~ Snatch ~ Protect Status: ( +2 Defense +1 damage to arm-related attacks) ( Confused + Attracted - Weak ) ( Paralysed - Moderate) Zora of Termina (OO) Ralts [Hera] Ralts (F)...
  3. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Yes, yes you did. (what do you mean that always said zora went first :V )
  4. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise (OO) [King's English] Ralts (Male) <Synchronise> @Dawn Stone Health: 33% Energy: 46% Commands: Attract/Shadow Ball ~ Attract/Charm/Shadow Ball ~ Attract/Charm/Shadow Ball Status: Still sorta sleepy. ( +2 Defense +1 damage to arm-related attacks) (Confused + Attracted - Moderate)...
  5. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise (OO) [King's English] Ralts (Male) <Synchronise> @Dawn Stone Health: 46% Energy: 58% Commands: Sleep Talk/Shadow Sneak x3 Status: zZzZzZz ( +2 Defense +1 damage to arm-related attacks) (Confused, Attracted + Asleep - Moderate) (Paralyzed - Severe) Zora of Termina (OO) Ralts [Hera]...
  6. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Zora, you have 24 hours to repost your commands. I think.
  7. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Ah gogdamnit, I thought it worked on sleep. That means I actually have to ref this round, doesn't it? 8V (HEY LOOK GUESS WHO FAILS) So I reffed and then forgot to save, so now I have to redo it. :x
  8. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise (OO) [King's English] Ralts (Male) <Synchronise> @Dawn Stone Health: 50% Energy: 60% Commands: Charm ~ Attract ~ Captivate/Attract Status: ohmai she's so pretty <333 ( +2 Defense +1 damage to arm-related attacks) (Confused - Moderate) (Attracted - Moderate) (Paralyzed - Severe)...
  9. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise (OO) [King's English] Ralts (Male) <Synchronise> @Dawn Stone Health: 57% Energy: 66% Commands: Grab ~ Ice Punch ~ Ice Punch Status: asdfghjkl lightsssss ( +2 Defense +1 damage to arm-related attacks) (Confused - Moderate) Zora of Termina (OO) Ralts [Hera] Ralts (F) <Synchronize>...
  10. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    I just realised I am a stupid derpface that forgot the difference between the words mild and moderate. Does this change anyone's commands, or can I go ahead and ref anyway?
  11. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise (OO) Ralts [King's English] Ralts (Male) <Synchronise> @Dawn Stone Health: 85% Energy: 84% Commands: Ice Punch/Hidden Power/Future Sight x3 Status: AUGH MY FACE IT BURNS ( +2 Defense +1 damage to arm-related attacks) (Immune to critical hits for another two actions) Zora of Termina...
  12. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise, can you fix your commands? Right now it's like this, as I understand it... Ice Punch ~ Nothing/Hidden Power/Future Sight ~ Nothing/Hidden Power/Future Sight
  13. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    It's a fairly quiet day in the clearing that houses, for what appears to be no reason at all, a chasm filled with lava. There's the sound of a flock of Starly squabbling in a tree somewhere, and all seems calm enough. Well, until the three humans arrive. All three are dressed in medieval...
  14. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Actually, some things I need to ask before I can do the reffing. What weight of Automail is King's English's arm? Also, does the Pokemon clothing count towards the whole 'cap at +6' with stats?
  15. Summergale

    Blastoise vs. Zora of Termina

    Blastoise's Active Squad: [Huskington] Shedinja [X] <Wonder Guard> [Codegrah] Happiny [F] <Serene Grace> [Hippocampus] Slowpoke [M] <Own Tempo> [Koutus] Electrike [F] <Static> [Pompeii] Numel [M] <Oblivious> [Kergen] Mankey [F] <Vital Spirit> [Coronada] Misdreavus [F] <Levitate>...
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