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Search results

  1. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Good game, Lucas. Oh, by the way, I added 1 EXP for Gorouna and two EXP for Neitelo in my profile; I trust that's correct?
  2. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    I said 'Should', not 'does'. It really ought to. Okay, Neitelo, you're getting a bit low on health. I suggest we fix that. I want you to use Pain Split as quickly as possible to prevent yourself from fainting, and also to cause some massive damage. Pain Split is a must, so until you've gotten...
  3. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Uh, you forgot to change Damage and Energy amounts. Also Refresh should totally heal confusion. Hey, at least the more important attacks went through! Thanks, RNG gods!
  4. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Hold on, Neitelo, I'm thinking...Ah, yes! That is perfect, indeed. Let's start out with Skill Swap. Then, let's use Miracle Eye, for whenever the time comes when we'll have to hit through that Double Team. Then, let's use Refresh to heal ourselves. Oh, and if you're confused at any point, push...
  5. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    ...Well. This thing's got some stuff it can actually do, but I'm confident that you can successfully past anything the Heracross tries to do. Let's start with Attract. That'll give us the advantage of the Heracross's possible inability to attack, which'll be useful further on. After that...
  6. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    All right! Let's Protect against the Thunderbolt, then just wait for it to faint. Protect ~ Nothing ~ Nothing
  7. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Quick question: Does using Giga Drain on energy count as direct healing?
  8. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    I totally do not remember Haze ever doing that. But whatever, it goes in our favor. Perfect job, Neitelo. Now, here's the plan. Let's use Faint Attack to cause damage. If Kirlia successfully uses an attacking or status-inducing move, though, try to Teleport out of the way. Finally, if you can't...
  9. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    First battle, Neitelo! Now, let's get down to business. Let's start with Haze; that will be useful for us. Then, let's attract that Kirlia. Finally, if it uses Will-o-Wisp, I want you to Teleport far away from it to dodge it, maybe behind Kirlia. We absolutely cannot get burned at this point in...
  10. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Wait, shouldn't I send out my next pokémon before Lucas755 attacks? If so... Thanks, Gorouna. Stellar job! Neitelo, you're out!
  11. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    All right, Gorouna. It's time. It's Explosion time. Get as close to Kirlia as you can before exploding. Protect against any damaging moves. And if Kirlia uses Protect, just chill until it doesn't use Protect or a damaging attack. Explosion/Protect/Chill x3
  12. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Hmm. Well, that Swagger is gonna be annoying, so Protect is your friend here. We're not probably gonna be able to do much about the Future Sight, so let's just Chill here. Also, let's disrupt that Kirlia's chilling on the final action with Flamethrower, and try to get his entire body for a...
  13. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Okay, Gorouna, you're getting pretty tired, so let's try to do something to fix that. I want you to Chill every action unless the Kirlia uses a damaging move, in which case I want you to use Protect. Oh yes, also protect against Taunt as well. Oh, and if you're ever in a situation where all of...
  14. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    As much as I would love to move last again, Lucas755 went first last round, shouldn't I move first this time?
  15. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Well then...dang it all. First off, I want you to try to lower that Kirlia's speed with Rock Tomb. Then, let's get rid of all those pesky clones with Earthquake, but wait until after the attack is executed before doing anything. Finally, after the Light Screen goes up, I want you to use Brick...
  16. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Wow, that was a fast one! Thank you! Okay, Gorouna, now you know never to give in to some faker. Like that. Let's get her back, shall we? First, being faster than your opponent is going to help. Rock Polish all the way. Try to get it in twice in this round. However, if Kirlia tries to snatch...
  17. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Wrong play, Gorouna. You'd best look for something else from Shakespeare, not that I can think of one off the top of my head. Unfortunately, Captivate is not an option any more. So instead, why don't you be nice and use Swagger to help out your love's attack. After that, I want you to use Rock...
  18. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    Woohoo! Thanks, RNG gods! Okay, its Special Attack is still a threat, so let's go with a Captivate. After that, try one more Rock Polish.On action three, let's use Double Team, making 4 clones. If at any time Kirlia tries to Snatch one of these, go with Rock Blast instead. Captivate/Rock...
  19. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    ...Well, this sucks. All you can really do is Sleep Talk until you wake up. As soon as you wake up, let's try Attracting that jerk. If you still have available actions after that, use Captivate to destroy that Calm Mind. Continue with Captivate if you still can. Sleep Talk/Attract~Sleep...
  20. Superbird

    Lucas755 vs. Superbird

    First battle!...I hope I don't epic fail here. Gourouna, you're out. Okay, let's first get the advantage speed-wise with Rock Polish. After that, see if you can nail him with Rock Blast. If he does anything to disable your ability to attack, such as Protect, set up a Sandstorm. If at any point...
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