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Search results

  1. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day Five Well then, 'bye! Me.
  2. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day Four Wargle. If she openclaims Mafia, I'm not gonna just sit there.
  3. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day Three Popping in. I'd say it's probably easier for the inspectors if the death millers and other innocents who apear mafia are eliminated. Additionally, when there is no one left who is mafia we can end the game, right? Or is that a different game? Anyway, unless he...
  4. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day Three ^Superbird as mime
  5. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One Violent, are we? But she's right. You're being a /little/ too hyperactive.
  6. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One InvaderSyl. Even if she isn't actually mafia, she never really does actually contribute that much. That post earlier was supposed to be a roleclaim. I'm a mime too, and I didn't remember that it was in the sign up thread.
  7. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One ^To clarify on the post above me, mimes are innocent upon inspection but appear mafia on death. Guess how I know that.
  8. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One I'm not voting for anyone without solid proof.
  9. Superbird

    Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

    Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night Zero ...Any special reason that I just got the night notification instead of the day notification? And that it still says Night 0? Eh, whatever. Anyway, It seems to me that inspectors are going to be pretty much useless in this game due to the innocents appearing...
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