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Search results

  1. Sylph

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Phantom, part of the reason why he may not have said anything is likely to do with either of the following options. 1) We believe him, but he gets killed during the night by either the Mafia or a Healer clash. 2) We believe him and the Healers don't protect them because they figure the other...
  2. Sylph

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    I have been trying to say more in this game, but like I said i really have no idea what to say. I've pretty much lost track of who is alive and who is dead. With that in mind, I don't even know who to vote for because for all I know I'm voting off a ghost. Simply put this kind of game is...
  3. Sylph

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Me posting early in a day is a habit of mine. Mostly due to me not knowing what to add to be helpful. Sorry if I tipped off anyone's radar with that.
  4. Sylph

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    ...Uh oh. Someone is going to get axed now that a Fishing brother is gone...though, unless I've missed the other brother being killed, shouldn't there be another body?
  5. Sylph

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D6] Seems the Mafia is falling behind...hm...*strokes chin* Any idea who's been away for a while?
  6. Sylph

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D5] ...Welp. Do we still lack leads?
  7. Sylph

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D4] I'm not much help myself, and frankly I'm sort of confused by where to proceed with all this. What I can gather though is that we may have more than one exorcist so...hopefully they won't get themselves killed via Mafia or healer clash...or healers avoiding a clash at...
  8. Sylph

    Backwards Mafia [D7]

    Re: Backwards Mafia [D1] Yay, no one died... So now what?
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