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Search results

  1. Sylph

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Dahahaha, okay I love how this has ended. And Sunny. You know damn well I called this ending.
  2. Sylph

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage *sucks on her lollipop, mulling thoughts over in her head from the recent murder. With a grimace, she shakes her head* Sorry. I have little to no leads either...and the clock is running out. So unless Glace hit something and we finally have a lead, we...
  3. Sylph

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage *mouth agape, sucker almost falling out. Regaining self again, Lollipop watches them for a moment* ...uh...okay that's unsettling seeing as that means the mafia messed up bad. How do you know this though? How do we know this isn't a ploy to not get...
  4. Sylph

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage ...well crap. So we are waiting on a Cop with a lead? ...but seriously. What a way to go, goddamn.
  5. Sylph

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage It is a flimsy lead but like you said its something. Nothing is really gained since even if he does flip Mafia we still won't know if he was lying or not to cover his butt for actually being a mafia member. Claiming Miller could just be his way of...
  6. Sylph

    Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage (ALIEN WIN)

    Re: Song Choice Mafia III: The Gilded Cage Zora could be right about the Mafia. Could be they didn't send in a pm or just was flat-out blocked by some form of wizardry (btw, thank you wizard for not letting them kill anyone.) So seeing as we got nothing to go on, unless we have a lucky...
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