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Search results

  1. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    When the took took his hand and helped herself up, resting against his side, he smiled a little. When he felt her flinch away from him, he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her in place, in case she was going to fall or not. He leans down a bit to see the girl face to face, studying her...
  2. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang nods back at the girl, studying the wings on her head. He faintly wonders what she was mixed with before pushing it aside and begins to work on the wooden shackles. He quickly found that he was stronger than he ever was as a human, finding it easier to break the wooden shackles with clear...
  3. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang crosses him arms and started to fairly annoyed that the kid wasn't paying atttention to what he was say, then quickly moves his arms away from each other with a pained whimper. He looks down at his arms and is met with welts about the size of softballs lining the inside of his arms...
  4. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Almost...! Fang continued to strain against the bindings on his wrists, muscles aching as he tried to break free of the bonding metal. He closes his eyes and lets out a annoyed hiss through his fangs. How am I getting out of these?! Well...I guess this is a good time as any. You are going to...
  5. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    "What in hell...?" Fang looks out to the bars when the sound of gun fire ringed in his ears. He shifts in his bindings and tries to get a better look when the sudden movement of Edward caught his eye. He gives the boy a passing glance, before focusing on the large shelled woman that entered the...
  6. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang stared at the back of Lighting, his fairly large canine ears catching the conversation with surprising ease. He didn't really care what Andrews was saying, simply because he was going on and on about the dead soldiers that died recently. People die. They do it everyday. Just move on and...
  7. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang closes his eyes, his laugh becoming louder as Ed started to go slowly insane. This was just perfect! Fang tries to move his head to get a better view of the scene before him, finding all a great show of compassion and love for one's family. Frankly he didn't quite care for the whole family...
  8. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang couldn't help it. Both him and the voice reaction was the same to everything going on. They both started to laugh despite the hell they were in. Though it was muffled and it would may have sounded like he was talking, the man was laughing at the scene before him. "Human...like hell I'm...
  9. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang let out a final yelp as his body was subjugated to another round of electro-therapy at the hands that that ungodly woman. His head rolls to the side as his body's functions started to shut down. His eyes slide shut, the last sight he saw was Edward growling under his breath. The needle...
  10. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    As if being grazed by a hot bullet wasn't enough. Fang let's out a yelp, ending in a blood thirsty growl. Someone in the room used a electricity based attack, Alchemy, to knock all the Chimera to the ground and limit their movements. Fang closes his eyes and tries to suppress the pain in his...
  11. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    "Shit." By the time Fang reached Edward, he heard the sound of the gun shot. His gaze levelled on the leader of the soldiers, a killer's glint in them as the smell of blood reached him. Something stirred in his gut as the dagger in his right hand melted and formed into a brass-knuckle claw...
  12. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang's eyes widen a bit when Edward lunged forward, seeing him go for the weakest of the human. As well as the most unstable. He's going to get himself killed, the stupid cat. Cat. Why are they always like that? Fang strolls toward Edward, his knife gripped tight in his hand. He glances down...
  13. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    "This is just getting stupid." Fang walk to Ed's side, careful to keep in front of the single girl that hid behind him and the Bee-boy. He lifts the knife in his hand, a soft growl in his voice. "This isn't working for you, Edward. You are losing time. Either you talk your way out of this, I...
  14. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang lets out a strained sigh, ending in a low canine growl. He grips the knives in his hands tighter, taking another step toward the opposing humans. "You don't seem to comprehend that these people are the treats. They will do what they must to stop us. That one there looks like he's likely to...
  15. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Well fuck. Fang watches the soldiers point their guns at Edward and the small child Nia, sensing the tense atmosphere in the room. He then notes that one of the girl's shifted herself to stand behind him the the bee-dude. Shrugging his shoulders he starts to study the soldiers before them...
  16. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang slips into the room after Edward and freezes, seeing the tubes and table occupying the room. He takes a step back, his heart jumping to his throat. After a breathe or two he takes another step into the room and looks around, the bracelet on his right hand forming a silver knife in case of...
  17. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang gets himself off the the ground and brushes himself off, shooting Edward a annoyed look. Didn't the boy she that he was leaning on the damned door to listen to the other side before transmuting it? Ignorant little bugger. He walks past the boy and down the hall, his ear's twitching...
  18. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    "Now now kiddies. There's no need to fly off the handle too soon. We still need to leave the building" Fang walks over to the small group that was talking to Edward, a slight smirk on his face. He places a hand on Gary's shoulder and squeezes it lightly, a sign for him to back off for the time...
  19. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang watches the exchange of conversation between the short boy and the taller one. He then tilts his head to the side when the small one spoke his name. Edward Elric...hm. That sounds semi-familier. Fang shrugs and walks down the hall, keeping close to the wall in case of danger. He slips...
  20. Sylph

    Closed The Chimera Project III: Primal Fury

    Fang chuckles under his breath when he heard the question, even more so when the short boy answered. He glances at the hallway before them and tilts his head bit when he sees a odd energy ahead of them. "It may have been easy to get out...the hard part is staying hidden on the outside...."...
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