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Search results

  1. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    *creeps in* Uh...hi guys. Sorry I've been away for so long. Lets try this again. WE ARE OPEN once more sorry AND WE ARE READY TO SHOW YOU THE NEW PUZZLES TO THE DOJO, THE MYSTERIES OF THE TEMPLE not in anyway connected to the mystery shack SON COME ONE COME ALL. WE WILL BE EXPECTING YOU...
  2. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    *Crashes through the Space-Time, wearing a bitching cape and hood* Hello everyone. I am here to inform you that this "Zone" has been revamped yet again. Those that have been in the middle of a session may continue if they so wish. There is also a new challenge for those that enter the Dojo...
  3. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    Brock: You capture the Spoink and pocket the ball, turning your attention back to the clearing at hand. It isn't long until your gaze is drawn to a single black pokemon with glowing yellow rings. As you stare in wonder at the sight, the pokemon sits up from the rock they laid on and looks down...
  4. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    Brock: (thanks for the tip, and yes. You now have a Moonstone regardless) You smiles at the small bird and let him be. You start to poke around the clearing some more, hoping to find more interesting pokemon when the sound of a spring catches your attention. You turn around and find a Female...
  5. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    Mawile Yes.
  6. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    Mawile You can only catch something once. If you want to go again, you'll have to pay for another session.
  7. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    Brock: You enter the Moonlit Clearing, the sheer aura of the place a pleasant one of peace and focus. As you step into the clearing, the slight flicker of black catches your eye. Leaning against a tree is a cloaked figure with a scythe in one hand. You stop dead and your tracks upon seeing them...
  8. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    Squornshellous Beta: GRAVEYARD: You pass up on the berry and move one, looking for something more suitable for your tastes. You poke around the graves in search for something cool, with the odd feeling of something watching you. The more you poke around, the stronger the feeling gets. Finally...
  9. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    Squornshellous Beta: GRAVEYARD: Upon entering the Graveyard, You notice a cloaked figure leaning against a tree with a Scythe in one hand. As you start to think about running for your life, the figure walks over to you with a bag held out. You take the bag and look inside. You have been given a...
  10. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    Announcement: The area has undergone some changes. As a celebration, the first three people to pay for a session here will get a special prize~
  11. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    (Crap, I need to get this back into order again!) shadow_lugia: You disregard the tag and continue on your search for something that can move on it's own accord. As you dive deeper into the misty graveyard you start to get the sinking feeling that someone or something is following you. As you...
  12. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    EvilCrazyMonkey: You enter the forest in hopes of finding something cool hidden in it's depths. As you walk, you can hear a faint buzzing sound following you.The further you walk, the louder the buzzing becomes. Finally, the buzzing to is too much to bear. You spin on her heal and find yourself...
  13. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    ...You are two bucks short.
  14. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    FMC: You pass the Meditite and continue your adventure in the Dojo, looking for a bigger prize. As you walk, you step on a object and slip. Angry, you pick up the object with thoughts of tossing it at the next rat you see. You then notice that the object is a Shiny Stone. Do you keep it or...
  15. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    FMC: You disregard the small cute Rattata and continue your search of the Dojo. As you search, you come upon a pokemon in a state of meditation. It's a male Meditite! Catch or continue? 3 more chances. Minnow: You escape the bug and venture through the Graveyard, grumbling about how your hair...
  16. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    FMC: You venture back into the dojo to search again for it's treasure. Then, as if my fate, you find a female Rattata sitting in the middle of the hallway and looking up at you with a very cute look on her face. Capture or walk on? 4 more chances. Dragon: You run away from the spider pokemon...
  17. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    FMC: You take your new friend along with you, happy of your find. You venture into one of the rooms and search it for any signs of pokemon. It is then you notice that there seems to be a pokemon stuck on a sleeve with a box of cookies. It's a female Spinda! Do you capture or continue? 1 more chance.
  18. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    FMC: You kick the rat out of the way and venture further into the Dojo, hissing under your breath and swearing that if you do not get what you came for you'd do horrible things. As you walk, you notice a pokemon standing at the end of the hallway. It's a Female Crogunk...and she seems to be...
  19. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    FMC: You walk back into the Dojo in search for the master after capturing thier student, when suddenly a male Rattata runs up to you and nibbles your toes. Do you capture or use a knife on him Run? 4 more continues. Dragon: You continue through the Graveyard and search the tombs for rare and...
  20. Sylph

    Black Lotus Forest

    FMC: You pass the skilled student in search for a better find. You venture into another room when you hear something on the ceiling banisters. It's a male Hoothoot...and it seems to have a Black belt around it's body as well! Another good student in this Dojo? Capture or continue? 1 more chance...
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