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Search results

  1. Tarvos

    Differences between men and women

  2. Tarvos

    Differences between men and women

    I love how aruseusu7 told us to ignore his post if we were atheists and every reply is an atheistic reply I'm not going to dignify his bullshit with a response, plus everyone else has already done that but I'm just going to say I would have no problems raising the kids and taking care of the...
  3. Tarvos

    Differences between men and women

    Men have hormones too, you know. Testosterone plays a part in the male thought process. I think most gender differences (apart from the obvious physical/hormonally determined ones) are social constructs, yes, that usually depend on culture. I wouldn't mind staying home for the kids.
  4. Tarvos

    Differences between men and women

    on average yes
  5. Tarvos

    Differences between men and women

    It's probably true. I don't think we know the details, though.
  6. Tarvos

    Differences between men and women

    men and women have different priorities and roles in society thanks to the mother having to bear children genetically; this alters physique and makes some other qualities more important in women (women have a greater need to care for children). men generally don't have to have the same...
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