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Search results

  1. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    not to mention the irony that free will and God are incompatible
  2. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    idk you can also do it the Voltaire way but it doesn't really matter
  3. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    idk maybe they're just like "well i don't like the idea of just being chucked here, so somebody must have done it; can't say i care about what he's like"
  4. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    well the other idea is you can't understand god because he doesn't actually do anything, but he does exist he was like "booyah here's a universe" and then fucked off
  5. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    But we wouldn't know! We'd be happy! Why would we condemn ourselves willingly to suffer? What a sadomasochistic God, having us suffer in the name of free will just so we can worship his existence. I don't like this guy at all.
  6. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    but clearly happiness is preferable to sadness and God is benevolent so err... this doesn't make any sense. why does god have to make us take the long road and why are we supposed to only be happy by believing in him isn't he just being a douchebag that he isn't giving the chance to everyone...
  7. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    But if it's bad, why doesn't he stop us? Why is he leaving the world to its own devices, letting people be awful? Surely that makes him an asshole pur sang! What a twat. I can help you to become a good person, but considering I respect the fact you're an idiot, I'll just let you burn in hell...
  8. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    But if it's bad, why doesn't he stop us? Why is he leaving the world to its own devices, letting people be awful? Surely that makes him an asshole pur sang! What a twat. I can help you to become a good person, but considering I respect the fact you're an idiot, I'll just let you burn in hell...
  9. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    But that makes no sense, because it means God doesn't care about our belief. If he cared that we believed and rewarded faith, why would he give us a choice not to believe? Why would he make his creation such that he gives us free will to reject him, when if he cares about faith, he could have...
  10. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    But if he doesn't do this, he's not omnipotent anymore!
  11. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    oh wow you called out vplj on reading the bible which she's done
  12. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    but who says God has to be the Christian God (in Pascal's Wager that is)
  13. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

  14. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    give me a rational reason to be a christian how does one "understand and believe" christianity there is zero reason to
  15. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    it always did, the matter was always present, just not arranged to be animate
  16. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    There isn't really any reason to believe that isn't fallacious in some form or shape. Therefore it's almost impossible to believe religiously unless you've been either talked into it (indoctrinated) or talked yourself into it (whatever reason you have).
  17. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

  18. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    atheists describe themselves as happier than religious people
  19. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    Do we, now?
  20. Tarvos

    Life after Death?

    I consider truth preferable to lies...I feel like John the Savage now.
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