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Search results

  1. Tarvos

    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    It's everywhere.
  2. Tarvos

    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    most people are officially religious because they had water sprinkled on them i.e. my parents neither of them are very religious in any way
  3. Tarvos

    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    i think dawkins said it best when he said that atheists, almost by definition, lack the sort of beehive mentality that most religious organisations do. most atheists are individualists
  4. Tarvos

    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    Christianity is not exactly a small minority in England, either - but it's not a majority iirc
  5. Tarvos

    Freedom of religion does not apply to Atheists?

    you diserve bad treatment for not using a spellcheck and atheism isn't a religion, but you have freedom of non-religion too ; authorities are not likely to support atheist cause in the US though (assuming you're from there)
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