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Search results

  1. Teh Hyper Pikadator

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Hey, don't look at me, I just opened the back door. Of something. Or other. Edit: The last episode?*le gasp* Screw you. *gets out paintball gun* phhhht.
  2. Teh Hyper Pikadator

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    OK! *unlocks door*
  3. Teh Hyper Pikadator

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Hey, wait... I just noticed that we never had a Halloween episode. Can we have one , JT? Pweedy pweasy?
  4. Teh Hyper Pikadator

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Hmm, what happened to J.A- *bump* Hey man, wanna get some beer later?
  5. Teh Hyper Pikadator

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Yay! I say yes on RPG. But before we start.... Well, he did say if we mention his na- OH, KEEELSO!
  6. Teh Hyper Pikadator

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    I'm Teh Hyper Turk.... Ok... I CALLZ DA BASS.
  7. Teh Hyper Pikadator

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    Awww, then that leaves me with Turk. Now, at least I can dooo this: Than explain our guy love, that's all it issss guy love he's mine I'm his there's nothing gay about it in our eyes.
  8. Teh Hyper Pikadator

    Bananahammock! The official Scrubs club~

    MEMEMEMEMEMEM-*slap* MEMEME-*slap* M-*slap* Well you get the point. Well, here's a moment: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB1F86_U96M&NR=1
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