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Search results

  1. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Alex-You're kidding! (Yayz, a hard request) Zulo-I use PE2K for those, I couldn't acess it yesterday. Just the Spriter's Rescource for everything else.
  2. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    I'll do the splices, because I'm bored. Revamps when I can get on to the RBYGSC site.
  3. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    I'll do the requests, but I'm tired right now so wait a while.
  4. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    1. I won't virus you. 2. I'll just listen and make sure all my sprites constantly get better. NOW let's get requests back in and ignore all that (I can't even make a virus)
  5. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    ...Wait, wait. I won't virus, I'll hack anything that you own with a hack program I've got. So let's get some requests.
  6. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Castform-*sticks out hand* Ryu-Sure. New sprites! A bit bad.
  7. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Send viruses. Just on Cloyster.
  8. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    People need to use Please, be less strict, and be warned that instead of leaving next time, something a lot worse will happen. So let's end this. Plus I'm now on revamps.
  9. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    ^I'll email it to you. Because I'm leaving later. For good. (Thanks, whoever never got in trouble for flaming me, I'm so telling)
  10. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    ^Urm, this sprite got the hits on SEREBII AGES AGO, so it's a good sprite. And more of this rant... a) YOU'RE NOT A MOD. b) I'm a junk spriter at those kinds. 95% of my sprites are 3/5+ starred. c) YOU'RE NOT A RELATION TO ME. d) YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS. 4 steps to tell the truth. Well, 5 including...
  11. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    New item! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzRSi7jDvx8 Sprite Videos! Any decent request will be HyperCamed!
  12. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Finally, all requests CLEARED!
  13. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    I'm on that, and I got YouTube requests ages before. I need to do one more then it's on to Sandrisu. Time order~
  14. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Well, I ended up being sacked from all of them. By the way, ever heard of PMs?
  15. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Well, Sandrisu needs fixing, I need a video of someone splicing Gallade and Metagross, they are the ones I urgently need doing. I'll take care of the rest.
  16. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    I need workers!~ I have so many requests on YouTube, I can't find time to fix Sandrisu!
  17. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Okay. But tomorrow for sure. All requests will be done tomorrow.
  18. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    Update! I'm doing sprites again and wanting workers!
  19. Terry. T.

    Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

    In a hack, not an adoptable. By destinjagold.
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